This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.6.
Simple Angular setup to check for the highest palindromic number between two user inputs. Does not include the input numbers, will search inbetween two inputs.
Make sure you have angular-cli
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
Then pull the repo, navigate to the directory and run the app.
$ git clone
$ cd ng-palindrome
$ npm install
$ ng serve
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
in your browser.
I left the tests and generated files in place. The tests have not been expanded to cover the additional functionality. Components have not been broken out.
- Expand tests to cover additional functioality added for palindrome finder (and errors/validation).
Break out components into their own modules.- Use inline styles or something smarter than off-the-shelf CSS.
- Make the methods more functional.
- Cleanup number/string conversion. Currently uses strings then converts to number in order to loop over numbers, then converts back to strings to check for palindrome.