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Official action to run PackSquash in a GitHub Actions workflow


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: PackSquash

uses: ComunidadAylas/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in ComunidadAylas/PackSquash-action

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PackSquash-action Latest version Uses PackSquash version

Official action to run PackSquash, a Minecraft resource and data pack optimizer, in a GitHub Actions workflow, which allows it to better integrate in continuous integration processes.

📝 Usage

Basic action parameters

These parameters are specific to the action, and the only ones you may need to set if you want to use the default PackSquash options.

Parameter Default value Description
path . (repository root) Relative path from the repository root to the pack directory.
token ${{ github.token }} The GitHub API authentication token that will be used for operations that may require authentication. Documentation about the default token is available here. By default, the GitHub-generated GITHUB_TOKEN secret is used, which is suitable for use in most scenarios, including private repositories.

Action parameters that set PackSquash options

The parameters in this section are used to automatically generate an options file for PackSquash to use. You can modify them if you want to change what options PackSquash uses.

Parameter Default value Description
recompress_compressed_files false If true, this parameter makes PackSquash try to compress files whose contents are already compressed just before adding them to the generated ZIP file after all the file type-specific optimizations have been applied.
zip_compression_iterations 20 The number of Zopfli compression iterations that PackSquash will do when compressing a file of magnitude 1 MiB just before it is added to the generated ZIP file. This affects files whose contents are not already compressed, or all files if recompress_compressed_files is enabled.
automatic_minecraft_quirks_detection true Sets whether PackSquash will try to automatically deduce an appropriate set of Minecraft quirks that affect how pack files can be optimized, by looking at the pack files, or not. If this option is enabled (set to true), any other parameter for adding quirks will be ignored. Enabling this feature implies validating the pack metadata file, even if validate_pack_metadata_file is set to false.
work_around_grayscale_images_gamma_miscorrection_quirk false This parameter sets the whether a quirk with grayscale images will be worked around. You should only change the default value if needed. Please read the relevant PackSquash documentation for more details.
work_around_java8_zip_parsing_quirk false This parameter sets whether a quirk with how older Minecraft versions read ZIP files will be worked around, that may render them unable to read the ZIP files PackSquash generates when zip_spec_conformance_level is set to disregard. You should only change the default value of this parameter if needed. Please read the relevant PackSquash documentation for more details.
work_around_restrictive_banner_layer_texture_format_check_quirk false This parameter sets whether a quirk with how older Minecraft versions parse shield and banner textures in certain formats will be worked around. You should only change the default value if needed. Please read the relevant PackSquash documentation for more details.
work_around_bad_entity_eye_layer_texture_transparency_blending_quirk false This parameter sets whether a quirk with how Minecraft parses eye layer textures with transparent pixels will be worked around. You should only change the default value if needed. Please read the relevant PackSquash documentation for more details.
automatic_asset_types_mask_detection true If true, PackSquash will attempt to automatically deduce the appropriate set of pack files to include in the generated ZIP by checking what Minecraft versions it targets, according to the pack format version in the pack.mcmeta file. Otherwise, PackSquash will include any file it recognizes no matter what. Enabling this feature implies validating the pack metadata file, even if validate_pack_metadata_file is set to false.
allow_optifine_mod false Adds support for .properties files. From PackSquash v0.3.0 onwards, it also adds .jpm and .jem for proper Custom Entity Models support. From PackSquash v0.3.1 onwards, the extensions .jpmc and .jemc are accepted to indicate the usage of comments.
allow_mtr3_mod false Adds support for Blockbench modded entity model projects for custom train models in the mtr asset namespace, stored as .bbmodel or .bbmodelc files.
skip_pack_icon false If true, the pack.png file that contains the resource pack icon will not be included in the result ZIP file. As of Minecraft 1.16.3, the icon of server resource packs is not displayed, so this optimization does not have any drawbacks in this case.
validate_pack_metadata_file true If true, the pack metadata file, pack.mcmeta, will be parsed and validated for errors. Otherwise, it will not be validated, unless other options imply doing so. Validating the pack metadata is usually a good thing because Minecraft requires it to load a pack.
ignore_system_and_hidden_files true If true, PackSquash will skip and not print progress messages for system (i.e. clearly not for use with Minecraft) and hidden (i.e. whose name starts with a dot) files and folders.
zip_spec_conformance_level high This parameter lets you choose the ZIP specification conformance level that is most suitable to your pack and situation. Please read the relevant PackSquash documentation for more details.
size_increasing_zip_obfuscation false If zip_spec_conformance_level is set to disregard, enabling this parameter will add more protections against inspecting, extracting or tampering with the generated ZIP file that will slightly increase its size.
percentage_of_zip_structures_tuned_for_obfuscation_discretion 0 If zip_spec_conformance_level is set to disregard, this parameter sets the approximate probability for each internal generated ZIP file structure to be stored in a way that favors additional discretion of the fact that protection techniques were used, as opposed to a way that favors increased compressibility of the result ZIP file.
never_store_squash_times false This parameter controls whether PackSquash will refuse to store the metadata needed to reuse previously generated ZIP files, and likewise not expect such data if the output ZIP file already exists, thus not reusing its contents to speed up the process in any way, no matter what the zip_spec_conformance_level is.
transcode_ogg true When true, Ogg files will be reencoded again, to apply resampling, channel mixing, pitch shifting and bitrate reduction, which may degrade their quality, but commonly saves quite a bit of space.
audio_sampling_frequency 32000 Specifies the sampling frequency (i.e. number of samples per second) to which the input audio files will be resampled, in Hertz (Hz).
target_audio_pitch 1.0 Sets the in-game pitch shift coefficient that will result in the audio files being played back at the original speed, affecting the perceived pitch and tempo.
minimum_audio_bitrate 40000 Specifies the minimum bits per second (bps or bit/s) that the Ogg encoder will try to use to represent audio signals in audio files.
maximum_audio_bitrate 96000 Specifies the maximum bits per second (bps or bit/s) that the Ogg encoder will try to use to represent audio signals in audio files.
minify_json_files true When true, JSON files will be minified, which removes comments and unnecessary white space, to improve space savings.
delete_bloat_json_keys true If this parameter is set to true, PackSquash will delete known-superfluous keys from JSON files, like credits added by pack authoring tools, that are completely ignored by Minecraft.
always_allow_json_comments true If true, PackSquash will allow comments in JSON files whose usual extension does not end with an extra c letter, which explicitly marks the file as having an extended JSON format that may contain comments. If false, comments will only be allowed in JSON files with those specific extensions: .jsonc, .mcmetac, etc.
image_data_compression_iterations 5 Sets the number of Zopfli compression iterations that PackSquash will do to compress raw pixel data in image files that amounts to a magnitude of 1 MiB.
image_color_quantization_target auto Sets the color quantization target for image files, which affects whether the lossy color quantization process is performed and how.
image_color_quantization_dithering_level 0.85 Sets the level of dithering that will be applied when quantizing colors in image files. This option has no effect if color_quantization_target is not set to perform color quantization.
maximum_image_width_and_height 8192 Sets the maximum width and height of the image files that PackSquash will accept without throwing an error. Please read the relevant documentation for more details about the rationale of this option.
skip_image_alpha_optimizations false If true, this parameter prevents the color values of completely transparent pixels in image files from being changed in order to achieve better compression.
minify_shaders true When true, the source code of shaders will be minified, which removes comments and unnecessary white space, to improve space savings.
minify_legacy_language_files true If true, the legacy language files will be minified: empty lines and comments will be removed. This saves space and improves parsing performance. If false, those files will still be validated for errors but left as they are.
strip_legacy_language_files_bom true If true, the BOM in the first line of legacy language files will be stripped. This usually saves space and avoids user confusion. When false, this behavior is disabled, which may be necessary if the pack relies on the BOM character to be present in any of these files.
minify_command_function_files true If true, the command function files will be minified: empty lines and comments will be removed. This saves space and improves parsing performance. If false, the files will still be validated for errors but left as they are.
minify_properties_files true When true, and if the appropriate mod support is enabled, properties files will be minified, which removes comments and unnecessary white space, to improve space savings.
force_include_files (empty string) A list of file path glob patterns to always include in the generated ZIP file, even if PackSquash does not recognize such files as assets. These files are copied as-is, but not optimized in any specific way, so this option does not substitute proper PackSquash support for assets used by the game. Please read the custom files feature documentation for more details about this option.

Advanced action parameters

The action also supports additional parameters that might come in handy for more specific use cases. It shouldn't be necessary to set them for most circumstances, though.

Parameter Default value Description
packsquash_version v0.3.1 The PackSquash version the action will use. latest is a special keyword that refers to the latest unstable build, automatically generated by CI from the source code at the master branch in the PackSquash repository. Please note that too old or too new versions may be incompatible or not properly supported by the action.
system_id Automatically generated The system identifier PackSquash will use to generate cryptographic secrets. Unless you know what you are doing, it is recommended to leave this parameter unset, as doing so will let the action generate and use a suitable system identifier automatically.
options_file Generated from the action parameters Use the specified options file instead of generating one with this action. Use this if you already have an options file you want to use with this action or the options this action offers are not enough for your needs. Please note that the action relies on PackSquash generating an output file at a fixed location, so it will ignore the value of the output_file_path option and it should be removed from the options file.
action_cache_revision (empty string) The revision of the cache the action uses internally. You should only need to change this revision if you want the action to not reuse any cached information, like the system identifier, or want to isolate jobs from each other due to undesired interferences between them. This will render any previously generated ZIP file unusable for speed optimizations unless you manage system_id yourself.
artifact_name Optimized pack The name of the workflow artifact containing the generated ZIP file that the action will upload. Later steps in the workflow will be able to download it by this name. Changing this may be needed in complex workflows, where the action runs several times.
show_emoji_in_packsquash_logs true If true, the action will instruct PackSquash to use emojis in the logs it generates, which look prettier. Otherwise, plain ASCII decoration characters will be used instead.
enable_color_in_packsquash_logs true If true, the action will instruct PackSquash to color the log messages it generates, which looks prettier. Otherwise, the messages will not be colored.

⚙️ Examples

This section contains some example GitHub Actions workflow files to achieve common continuous integration tasks with this action.

Optimize each commit to an artifact

This workflow will execute PackSquash for every push to the repository, generating an artifact with the optimized pack for any change. The workflow expects the pack to be at the repository root. The generated artifact can be downloaded by users with read access to the repository via the GitHub web UI or CLI. It can also be downloaded in other steps or workflows via the actions/download-artifact or dawidd6/action-download-artifact actions.

File tree

Repository root
├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       └── packsquash.yml
├── assets
│   └── ...
└── pack.mcmeta

Workflow file: .github/workflows/packsquash.yml

name: Optimize resource pack
on: [push]
    name: Optimize resource pack
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Clone repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0 # A non-shallow repository clone is required
      - name: Run PackSquash
        uses: ComunidadAylas/PackSquash-action@v3

Optimize each commit to an artifact, but changing the pack directory

In some cases, the directory where the pack is does not match the repository root. You can specify a directory other than the repository root by changing the path input parameter.

This is useful for repositories that contain several packs (monorepos) and isolating the pack from the rest of the repository, preventing miscellaneous repository files from being considered as pack files by PackSquash.

File tree

Repository root
├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       └── packsquash.yml
└── pack
    ├── assets
    │   └── ...
    └── pack.mcmeta

Workflow file: .github/workflows/packsquash.yml

name: Optimize resource pack
on: [push]
    name: Optimize resource pack
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Clone repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0 # A non-shallow repository clone is required
      - name: Run PackSquash
        uses: ComunidadAylas/PackSquash-action@v3
          path: pack

Optimize to an artifact and create a release

The previous examples can easily be expanded to create releases automatically by downloading the generated artifact and uploading it again as a release.

Workflow file (every push): .github/workflows/packsquash.yml

This workflow creates a new tag and release named action-v{number} for every push event, which is triggered by commits and other tags.

name: Optimize resource pack
on: [push]
    name: Optimize resource pack
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Clone repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0 # A non-shallow repository clone is required
      - name: Run PackSquash
        uses: ComunidadAylas/PackSquash-action@v3
      - name: Download optimized pack
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
          name: Optimized pack
      - name: Tag and create release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          tag_name: action-v${{ github.run_number }}

Workflow file (every tag push): .github/workflows/packsquash.yml

This workflow creates a new release whenever a tag is pushed. The release will have the same name as the tag.

name: Optimize resource pack
      - '**'
    name: Optimize resource pack
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Clone repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0 # A non-shallow repository clone is required
      - name: Run PackSquash
        uses: ComunidadAylas/PackSquash-action@v3
      - name: Download optimized pack
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
          name: Optimized pack
      - name: Create release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1

Advanced: automatic release deployment via SSH

When developing in private repositories it is not possible for vanilla Minecraft clients to download resource packs from release artifacts, as they lack the required authentication credentials. A common solution is to upload releases to an external web server directly from a GitHub Actions workflow via SSH.

⚠️ Keep in mind that just uploading files to the web server might not be enough to make players download the new version the next time they connect. The Minecraft server should be configured with the appropriate resource pack ZIP file URL and hash each time the pack is updated. Otherwise, clients will receive stale information and may decide to use the copy they have downloaded already. This example omits that part on purpose because the precise way of doing it (running plugin commands via RCON, modifying the file and restarting the server, etc.) is environment-specific.


This example workflow uses the following secrets, which can be set in the repository settings.

Name Description
SSH_HOST Web (and/or SSH) server host name or address
SSH_USERNAME Username for SSH authentication
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for SSH authentication
SSH_PORT SSH server listen port
DEPLOY_DIRECTORY Directory where the pack will be deployed to. Usually /var/www/ for the web server root

Workflow file: .github/workflows/deploy.yml

name: Deploy via SSH
on: [workflow_dispatch]
    name: Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Download latest released pack
        uses: dsaltares/[email protected]
      - name: Rename pack file
        # An unique name guarantees an unique URL. Different URLs
        # compel Minecraft clients to download packs again, but
        # make sure to read and understand the warning above before
        # doing this in production!
        run: mv pack-${{ github.run_number }}.zip
      - name: Deploy pack file
        uses: appleboy/[email protected]
          host: ${{ secrets.SSH_HOST }}
          username: ${{ secrets.SSH_USERNAME }}
          key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          port: ${{ secrets.SSH_PORT }}
          source: pack-${{ github.run_number }}.zip
          target: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_DIRECTORY }}

📄 Template repositories

Some users are creating template repositories with this action, making it very easy to get up and running with the development of your very own pack. We have curated a list of handy repository templates below, but feel free to send pull requests to add new reusable templates here!

  • sya-ri/MinecraftResourcePackTemplate (in Japanese): a template repository for Minecraft resource packs that uses PackSquash to bundle them in optimized ZIP files. Each commit is optimized to a ZIP artifact, and a release is made when a new tag is pushed.
  • osfanbuff63/minecraft-datapack: a template repository for vanilla Minecraft data packs that uses PackSquash to bundle them in optimized ZIP files. Each commit is optimized to a ZIP artifact. No releases or deployments are made.

🔒 Security

This action may store in a cache the encryption key needed to read file modification times from the ZIP files PackSquash generates. Therefore, such encryption key can be exposed to anyone that has access to the repository. However, this is not a concern in practical scenarios, because the file modification times are generated from the commit history, so having access to the repository already provides this information. If for some reason you do not want this behavior, you can set never_store_squash_times to true, although that will likely slow down PackSquash. For more information about the implications of caching potentially-sensitive data, please read the GitHub documentation.

✉️ Contact and support

Please check out the PackSquash repository for contact information.

⭐ Authorship and governance highlights

The original author of this action is @sya-ri. Later, it was incubated as an open source project by the same team behind PackSquash.