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The documentation below describes the main theorem statements and definitions of this development. The proofs are found within the source. The proofs are adapted from Raymond Smullyan's "To Mock a Mockingbird".

The SKI Combinators

(* src/expr.v *)

Inductive expr :=
| var : nat -> expr (* var 0 denotes variable 0, var 1 denotes variable 1, etc *)
| S : expr
| K : expr
| app : expr -> expr -> expr.

Notation " a [+] b " := (app a b) (at level 50, left associativity).

Inductive steps : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| steps_S : forall x y z, steps (S [+] x [+] y [+] z) (x [+] z [+] (y [+] z))
| steps_K : forall x y, steps (K [+] x [+] y) x
| steps_app_l : forall x y z, steps x y -> steps (x [+] z) (y [+] z)
| steps_app_r : forall x y z, steps x y -> steps (z [+] x) (z [+] y).

Notation " a ~> b " := (steps a b) (at level 55, left associativity).

Inductive steps_star : expr -> expr -> Prop :=
| steps_none : forall c, steps_star c c
| steps_once : forall c1 c2, c1 ~> c2 -> steps_star c1 c2
| steps_many : forall c1 c2 c3, c1 ~> c2 -> steps_star c2 c3 -> steps_star c1 c3.

Notation " a ~>* b " := (steps_star a b) (at level 55, left associativity).

These are the standard definitions of the S and K combinator system, with the addition of variable terms. We want variable terms like var 0, var 1, var 2 ... etc because they allow us to build a small compiler using the concept of alpha-elimination (see src/compile.v). But first, we must define when an expression contains a variable. For example, expression K [+] (var 0) contains variable var 0 but not var 1. Expressions which contain no variables are called constants. For example, K [+] S [+] S is a constant since it contains no terms like var n.

(* src/expr.v *)

Inductive contains_var (n : nat) : expr -> Prop :=
| contains_here : contains_var n (var n)
| contains_left : forall c1 c2, contains_var n c1 -> contains_var n (c1 [+] c2)
| contains_right : forall c1 c2, contains_var n c2 -> contains_var n (c1 [+] c2).

Notation "  n 'IN' c " := (contains_var n c) (at level 60, no associativity).

Definition is_const c := forall n, ~ n IN c.

All other combinators, including I, are derivable from S and K.

(* src/well_known_combinators.v *)

Definition I : expr := S [+] K [+] K.
Theorem steps_star_I : forall c, (I [+] c) ~>* c.

Definition T : expr := S [+] (K [+] (S [+] I)) [+] K.
Theorem steps_star_T : forall x y, (T [+] x [+] y) ~>* (y [+] x).

Definition B : expr := S [+] (K [+] S) [+] K.
Theorem steps_star_B : forall x y z, B [+] x [+] y [+] z ~>* x [+] (y [+] z).

Definition M : expr := S [+] I [+] I.
Theorem steps_star_M : forall x, M [+] x ~>* x [+] x.

Definition C : expr := B [+] (T [+] (B [+] B [+] T)) [+] (B [+] B [+] T).
Theorem steps_star_C : forall x y z, C [+] x [+] y [+] z ~>* x [+] z [+] y.

We can set aside two particular combinators t and f to represent true and false respectively.

Definition t : expr := K.
Definition f : expr := K [+] I.


We can also encode the natural numbers. nxt takes a natural number to its successor. prv takes a natural number to its predecessor. And zro encodes 0. We can define rep which takes a natural number and gives its representation inside the SK calculus.

(* src/arithmetic_ops.v *)

Definition nxt : expr := V [+] f.
Definition prv : expr := T [+] f.
Definition zro : expr := I.

Fixpoint rep (n: nat) :=
  match n with
  | 0 => zro
  | Datatypes.S m => nxt [+] (rep m)

Theorem steps_star_prv_nxt : forall n, prv [+] (rep (1 + n)) ~>* rep n.

Then we can encode addition, multiplication, and exponents.

Definition add_m_n_op : expr := ...
Theorem add_m_n_spec : forall x y : nat, add_m_n_op [+] rep x [+] rep y ~>* rep (x + y).

Definition mul_m_n_op : expr := ...
Theorem mul_m_n_spec : forall x y : nat, mul_m_n_op [+] rep x [+] rep y ~>* rep (x * y).

Definition pow_m_n_op : expr := ...
Theorem pow_m_n_spec : forall x y : nat, pow_m_n_op [+] rep x [+] rep y ~>* rep (x ^ y).

Godel Numbering

Every expr can be represented uniquely by a list of digits.

(* src/godel.v *)

Fixpoint godel_digits (c : expr) : list nat :=
  match c with
  | S => [ 1 ]
  | K => [ 2 ]
  | c1 [+] c2 => [3] ++ (godel_digits c1) ++ (godel_digits c2) ++ [4]
  | var n => [ 5 ]

And of course a list of digits can be converted to a natural number by multiplying each successive digit by a a successive power of 10 and then summing.

(* src/digits.v *)

Fixpoint digits_to_nat (l : list nat) idx :=
  match l with
  | nil => 0
  | d :: l' => (10^idx * d) + (digits_to_nat l' (1 + idx))

Which means every expr can be associated to a unique natural number, which we can call its Godel number.

(* src/godel.v *)

Definition godel_number (c : expr) : nat :=
  digits_to_nat (godel_digits c) 0.

We can create an expression within the SK combinator calculus itself which computes Godel numbers.

(* src/godel.v *)

Definition godelize_op : expr := ...
Theorem godelize_spec : forall n : nat, godelize_op [+] rep n ~>* rep (godel_number (rep n)).


A predicate P over the natural numbers is computable if there is a constant SK expression c which steps to t when fed any number belonging to P, and steps to f when fed any number not belonging to P.

(* src/godel.v *)

Definition is_computable (P : nat -> Prop) := exists c, is_const c /\ (forall n, (P n /\ c [+] rep n ~>* t) \/ (~ P n /\ c [+] rep n ~>* f)).

Godel's Theorem

A Godel sentence for a predicate P is a constant SK expression which steps to t if and only if its own Godel number satisfies P. When c is a Godel sentence for P, c says "My Godel number belongs in P".

(* src/godel.v *)

Definition godel_sentence (P : nat -> Prop) (c : expr) := is_const c /\ ((c ~>* t /\ P (godel_number c)) \/ (~ c ~>* t /\ ~P (godel_number c))).

A Godel sentence can be constructed for every computable predicate.

(* src/godel.v *)

Theorem computable_prop_has_godel_sentence : forall P, is_computable P -> exists g, godel_sentence P g.

Godel showed that not every predicate is computable. In particular, consider the set of all Godel numbers who are associated to expressions which steps to t.

(* src/godel.v *)

Definition converges_t n := exists c, n = godel_number c /\ c ~>* t.

If this predicate converges_t were computable, so would the predicate not_converges_t := fun n => ~converges_t n. Then it would have a Godel sentence g by computable_prop_has_godel_sentence. The sentence g would say "My Godel number does not converge to t." This leads to a liar's paradox and therefore we know converges_t is not computable.

Theorem converges_t_not_computable : ~is_computable converges_t.

We conclude that there are sets of natural numbers which are well defined, but cannot be computed by SK expressions.


There are some technicalities that need to be overcome during the course of the development. First, we need to show the model of computation described by the stepping / reduction ~>* operator is well defined and doesn't depend on the order of reductions. This is addressed by the Church-Rosser theorem, which proves that normal forms are unique.

(* src/expr.v *)

Definition is_normal c := forall c', ~ c ~> c'.
(* src/church_rosser.v *)

Theorem unique_normal_form : forall c c1 c2, c ~>* c1 -> c ~>* c2 -> is_normal c1 -> is_normal c2 -> c1 = c2.

Second, we need to that a list of Godel digits uniquely specifies an expression.

(* src/godel.v *)

Definition has_unambiguous_parse l := forall c1, is_const c1 /\ l = godel_digits c1 -> forall c2, l = godel_digits c2 -> c1 = c2.
Theorem all_unambiguous_parse : forall l, has_unambiguous_parse l.


Coq Library for SKI Combinatory Logic







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