SySharp is simple library to symbolic calcualtions to demonstrate the power of expressions trees in C#.
The library can produce derivative function and simplify expressions.
To start the experiments you can clone the repository into your projects' directory:
cd $home/source
git clone
cd sysharp
dotnet build -c Release
Open "C# Interactive" window in Visual Studio. Please note that csi.exe hasn't been supported the core mode, so you need Visual Studio.
Type these commands:
#reset core
#r "source/sysharp/SySharp/bin/Release/net5.0/SySharp.dll"
using SySharp;
Don't forget to check the path. source/sysharp/SySharp/bin/Release/net5.0 will be valid, if you have cloned the repository to the $home/source directory.
Now we can experiment with the library. Let's' find out the derivative of the function x2:
Symbolic.Derivative(x => x * x)
The answer is x => ((x * 1) + (1 * x))
. To see it clearly we need
call the ToString()
Symbolic.Derivative(x => x * x).ToString()
It's too complicated, isn't it?
We can simplify expressions with the help of the method Simplify()
Symbolic.Derivative(x => x * x).Simplify().ToString()
Now the anwer is x => (2 * x)
. Much better.
At the end we can calculate the value of derivative function:
var d = (Func<double, double>)Symbolic.Derivative(x => Math.Sin(Math.Pow(x, 3))).Compile();
The value of the function (sin x3)' at x = 3 will be equal to -7.887747835813577.