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100DaysOfCode Challenge

Rules to Follow

  1. Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days.
  2. Tweet your progress every day with the #100DaysOfCode hashtag.
  3. Each day, you must work on a real project, not just tutorials.
  4. If you miss a day, you must restart the challenge from day 1.

Welcome to my 100 Days Of Code Challenge! This journey is all about committing to coding for 100 consecutive days to improve my programming skills and work on exciting projects. I will be documenting my progress and learning experiences day by day.

Day 1: Setting up the Development Environment

Today, I set up my development environment. I installed my preferred code editor, set up version control with Git, and organized my project folders. I'm ready to start coding!

Day 2-5: Learning Python Basics

For the next few days, I will be diving into Python. I'll be covering the basics, including variables, data types, control structures, and functions. Building a solid foundation is crucial!

Day 6-10: Working on a To-Do List App

I've started working on a simple To-Do List application. I'll be using Python and a basic command-line interface to add, edit, and delete tasks. It's a practical way to apply what I've learned so far.

Day 11-15: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

I'm delving into Object-Oriented Programming principles in Python. I'll be creating classes and objects, understanding inheritance, and exploring encapsulation and polymorphism.

Day 16-20: Web Development Basics

Time to explore web development! I'll start with HTML and CSS to build static web pages. Then, I'll move on to JavaScript to add interactivity and responsiveness.

Day 21-25: Building a Personal Website

I'm putting my web development skills to the test by creating my personal website. I'll showcase my projects, write a blog, and learn about web hosting and domain management.

Day 26-30: Introduction to Frameworks

I'm diving into web development frameworks. I'll explore Flask for Python and create a simple web application. This will help me understand the power of frameworks.

Day 31-35: Database Fundamentals

I'm learning about databases, focusing on SQL and relational databases. I'll design database schemas, write SQL queries, and connect my web app to a database.

Day 36-40: API Integration

I'll learn how to interact with external APIs using Python. I'll build a weather app that fetches data from a weather API and displays it to the user.

Day 41-45: Front-End Frameworks

I'll explore front-end frameworks like Reactjs and nextjs. I'll build a dynamic web application that communicates with a back-end server.

Day 46-50: Deployment and DevOps

I'll delve into the world of deployment and DevOps. I'll learn about continuous integration, deployment pipelines, and deploy my projects to cloud platforms.

Day 51-55: Security and Authentication

I'll focus on web security, including common vulnerabilities and best practices for securing web applications. I'll also implement user authentication in my projects.

Day 56-60: Mobile App Development

I'll explore mobile app development using a framework React Native. I'll build a simple cross-platform mobile app.

Day 61-65: Data Visualization

I'll dive into data visualization using libraries like Matplotlib and D3.js. I'll create interactive charts and graphs to analyze data.

Day 66-70: Machine Learning Basics

I'll start learning about machine learning. I'll explore the basics of data preprocessing, model building, and evaluation.

Day 71-75: Building a Machine Learning Model

I'll build my first machine learning model, such as a simple linear regression or classification model, and apply it to a real dataset.

Day 76-80: Cloud Computing

I'll explore cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP. I'll deploy my projects to the cloud and learn about scalable infrastructure.

Day 81-85: Advanced Topics

I'll explore advanced topics like microservices architecture, containerization with Docker, and serverless computing.

Day 86-90: Open Source Contribution

I'll explore available open source projects to work on for 5days as part of my learning journey and contribute to them.

Day 90-100: Coding interviews Challenge

This will be my remakable journey and i will finish the challeng with some coding challenges for 10days before i get to apply for some job openings.


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