THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL BUILD OF SNAPHU, I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE STANFORD RADAR INTERFEROMETRY RESEARCH GROUP If you are a member of the SNAPHU development team, and would like me to take this repository down, please contact me with further information at [email protected]. This will redirect to my personal email address, and I will respond as soon as possible (less than a week).
SNAPHU is a tool used to unwrap phase images used radar interferometry. It is developed by Stanford University, and the full source code can be found here:
The Stanford website does not contain pre-compiled binaries of this program. This is normally not a problem, as it can be found in many Linux Software Repositories. However, this is not possible on Windows. While the European Space Agency does provide a pre-built Windows binary (found here: It is for a much older version of SNAPHU.
This repository uses GitHub Actions to check the SNAPHU website once a week, and if a new version of SNAPHU has been released, it builds it and adds it to the releases pages.
GitHub actions will automatically disable the action if nothing happens for a few months. If this has happend and a new release is available, please open a pull request so that I can re-start the action.