Execution of the protocol is performed in multiple explicit stages:
Conversion of source DICOM data into MRtrix format images with standard naming in preparation of execution of the protocol.
Execution of the protocol against those data to produce the protocol derivatives.
(optional) Execution of commands to generate supplementary material.
This Docker container contains three scripts corresponding to these stages. These can be executed against either the exmple data provided with the protocol (which are embedded within the Docker image), or run for one's own data with no or minimal modification.
FreeSurfer license file: A valid FreeSurfer license file is required to execute the protocol. This can be obtained from: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/registration.html. For simplicity, subsequent examples assume that the filesystem location of the license file on the host system has been stored in environment variable $FS_LICENSE.
FSL registration: While it is not strictly requisite to execute the protocol within the Docker container, it is nevertheless requested that users nevertheless register for the FSL software to facilitate faithful tracking of software usage: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsldownloads_registration/
ACPCDetect: Download ACPCDetect tool version 2.2 for Linux manually from NITRC: https://www.nitrc.org/frs/?group_id=90 For building the Docker image manually from the corresponding
(see below), the downlaoded .zip file must be placed in the same directory as theDockerfile
. Note that even if your host system is running MacOSX, it is the Linux version of the tool that must be obtained, as that is the operating system within the container environment. If obtaining the Docker image from some other source (eg. DockerHub), it is nevertheless requested to contribute to having the download statistics of that software more faithfully track its usage.
The Docker image to execute the container can be obtained in one of two ways:
Build the image locally from the
recipe.Execute the following command from the root directory of the cloned repository (having previously downloaded the ACPCDetect dependency; see above):
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd
Pull the image from DockerHub:
docker pull martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd
For the example data provided with the protocol,
the DICOM data have already been converted to the MRtrix .mif
and stored within the DOcker image,
such that the protocol can be executed directly against those data.
We nevertheless provide the requisite code
to reproduce that conversion for those example data:
mkdir raw
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd)/raw:/raw \
martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd \
convert_example_dicoms.sh /raw
If one wishes to run the protocol against their own data, you will need to yourself create the requisite files within a directory:
(Note that the protocol script expects a diffusion acquisition possessing a particular strategy for multi-shell acquisition and variation in phase encoding for susceptibility field estimation; acquisitions following some other strategy will likely necessitate modification to the protocol command invovations)
If you have MRtrix3 installed on your host system,
this can be done directly using the mrconvert
Alternatively, the version of MRtrix3 mrconvert
that is installed within the Docker container
can instead be used to do this conversion.
The latter however necessitates the explicit binding of all relevant host system directories.
For instance, if one's DICOM data were to reside in directory "/mnt/DICOM/
and it contained a DICOM series in a directory called "T1w_MPRAGE/
the conversion would look something like the following:
docker run -it --rm \
-v /mnt/DICOM:/DICOM \
-v $(pwd)/raw:/raw \
martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd \
mrconvert /DICOM/T1w_MPRAGE/ /raw/T1w.mif
If reproducing execution of the protocol utilising the converted DICOM data stored within the Docker image:
mkdir derivatives
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd)/derivatives:/derivatives \
-v ${FS_LICENSE}:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt \
martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd \
run_protocol.sh /data/raw /derivatives
Note that path "/data/raw
" refers to the location within the Docker image
where the converted DICOM data have been preloaded.
If instead executing the protocol either against the reproduced DICOM conversion as per stage 1 above or against one's own data:
mkdir derivatives
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd)/raw:/raw \
-v $(pwd)/derivatives:/derivatives \
-v ${FS_LICENSE}:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt \
martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd \
run_protocol.sh /raw /derivatives
Note that directory "raw/
residing in the current working directory on the host system
and populated with the results of conversion of DICOM data,
is mounted to location "/raw
" within the container,
and it is this path that is passed as input to the "run_protocol.sh
" script.
If you see the warning:
docker: invalid spec: :/opt/freesurfer/license.txt: empty section between colons.
, this indicates that environment variable FS_LICENSE
has not been set;
this must be configured according to the prerequsites listed above.
If you wish to also generate the content that is presented in the Supplementary Material:
mkdir supplementary/
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd)/raw:/raw \
-v $(pwd)/derivatives:/derivatives \
-v $(pwd)/supplementary:/supplementary \
martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd \
gen_supplementary.sh /raw /derivatives /supplementary
Note that in order to run the "gen_supplementary.sh
" script,
it is necessary to have executed the protocol locally (stage 2 above),
on either the exemplar data or on one's own data.
Attempting to run this script utilising the downlaoded exemplar derivative data
will result in failure due to absence of the dense whole-brain tractogram data.
While it is possible to execute GUI applications using the Docker image,
it is not guaranteed to work in all scenarios.
The following example is one usage that has had reasonable success
in execution of MRtrix3's mrview
xhost +local:root; \
docker run --rm -it \
--device /dev/dri/ \
-v /run:/run \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-u $UID \
martah/sc-construction-using-msmt-csd mrview; \
xhost -local:root
For the example data provided with the protocol,
the original DICOM data, converted DICOMs, derivatives,
and images generated in supplementary material
are provided within the image at filesystem path /data
If a user wishes to use the mrview
through the Docker container
to visualise their own data or the results of processing thereof,
it will be necessary to mount the corresponding filesystem locations,
just as is done for the various examples above.