- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with icinga2api
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
A provider module to manage Icinga2 configuration objects via the Icinga2 Rest API
The intended usage szenario is to create a host object on a puppet agent node by using the Icinga2 API locally on the agent i.e. localhost.
TODO: Find a way to configure API-Url and credential information
requires ruby gems json and rest-client, confined by Puppet.feature restclient
icinga2api_host {'testhost':
ensure => 'present',
zone => 'localhost.localdomain',
templates => [ 'generic-host'],
address => '',
address6 => 'fe80::fcd4:233:b2ce:a3fc',
vars => {
os => {
name => $facts['os']['name'],
version => $facts['os']['release']['full'],
test => 'testvar',