Simple web UI for generating images using OpenAI Dall-E.
Generating images using the OpenAI API costs money. Make sure to buy credits before running this project. [2]
1 - Get an API key from OpenAI. Buy OpenAI credits if you don't have credits.
2 - Set your API key as an environment variable.
$ cat ~/.bashrc
3 - Source .bashrc.
$ source ~/.bashrc
4 - Clone this repository.
$ cd ~
$ git clone martin0004/image_generator
5 - Install miniconda.
6 - Create environment for this project.
$ conda env create --file ~/image_generator/env/environment.yaml
7 - Activate environment.
$ conda activate openai
(openai) $
8 - Launch image generator.
(openai) $ python ~/image_generator/
9 - Open your browser and type localhost:8050
in the address bar.
10 - Type a prompt, the number of images you want to generate, select the size of the image, then press "Submit". Voilà!
(Remember that each run will cost you OpenAI credits! [2]).
11 - [OPTIONAL] Create alias for launching the app.
$ cat .bashrc
alias openai='conda activate openai; \
python3 ~/image_generator/'
[1] Plotly, Dash,
[2] OpenAI, API Reference - Authentication,
[3] OpenAI, API Reference - Images - Create image,