The goal of this project is to provide an easy-to-install python library to compute the exact integral of an interpolated image within a polygon and its exact 1rst and 2nd order derivatives with respect to the location of the polygon vertices. It also provides as a by-product the possibility to draw the image of a filled polygon with exact analytical anti-aliasing with a rectangular box kernel (a.k.a unweighted area sampling) and bilinear interpolation kernel.
The details on the maths and their exact implementations are in my PhD thesis [1] pdf in section 3.5 and in the annexe p199-204.
Note: This code also allows to draw polygons with exact prefilter antialising, but that is not the main goal of this library. If your goal is only to perform antialized 2D polygon rendering you could use the c++ code accompanying the paper [4]( without python bindings). You can also get good antialiasing (exact?) in python using python bindings aggdraw, or PyCairo
using pip
on linux
sudo pip install git+git://
on windows
pip install install git+git://
Given a discrete image I that takes known values at discreate pixel location we defined the interpoled image C to be :
with K an interpolation kernel that depends on the type of interpolation we use (nearest neighboor or bilinar) C is define in the continuous domaine
A polygon is defined by a list of N vertices defined by a vector of length 2N
We denote by S(V) the set of points inside the polygon in the continuous domain
The integral of the interpolated image within the polygon writes
interestingly by simply permuting the integral and the sum used in the definition of C, we obtain
With M the antialised image of the polygon defined by
Our code provides S(V),M and also the gradient (1rst order derivatives)
and the second order derivatives
in the form of a sparse Hessian matrix (it is zero when abs(i-j)>1 ie for vertices that are not directly adjacent in the polygon).
Once installed examples can be found in
If that is not the case you find where polygonintegrals has been installed from python using
import polygonintegrals
print polygonintegrals.path
you can launch an example directly from within python using a simple import, for example
from polygonintegrals.examples.activePolygon import test
import polygonintegrals.examples.test
you can get the list of examples as follows :
import polygonintegrals.examples
print polygonintegrals.examples.list
The computation of an integral in a polygon and its derivatives can be used to easily implement efficient image segmentation method based on polygonal representation of the contour with terms involving integrals of images inside the polygon. having the exact integrals and their exact gradients and Hessian is useful to be able to obtain good convergence rates.
An example of active polygon can be launched using
from polygonintegrals.examples.activePolygon import test
You should see the active polygon at intialization (blue) and convergence (yellow)
as well as the curves showing convergence rates of different optimization methods (left: energy, right: mean squared distance to the solution)
you can draw antialiased polygons using the function drawAntialiasedPolygon
import numpy as np
from polygonintegrals.antialiasedPolygon import drawAntialiasedPolygon
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
drawAntialiasedPolygon(im,poly, [1,0,0], 'bilinear')
- re-implement the simple approximation of the gradient of the integral given in page 117 of [1] and compare in term of convergence rates. Maybe write a gradient descent method that does not need to evaluate the energy itself (step length based on the gradient angles and fixed size steps ? )
- use a better shape prior : maybe a kind of as rigid as possible energy given a reference shape (would be useful for tracking)
- use this library to implement Information-Theoretic Active Polygons for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation[2] and active polygons for object tracking [3]
- define a new method that computes the integral of the square of the image within the polygon
- make that function able to take two input : the image , and an affine function ax+by+c in order to integrate the square of the difference within the polygon
- eventually get code for the gradient and hessian of the integral with respect to the vertices but also with respect to the parameters a ,b and c of the affine function, assuming the image is interpolated bilinearly.
- add the bicubic interpolation case when the integral is done on the boundary of the polygon (function integreOnSegments), and cythonize it. This will allow to add a boundary term in the active polygon.
- add functions to perform polygon clipping and hidden surface removal and provide the jacobian matrix that contains the derivative of the output polygon vertices with respect to the input polygons. Maybe reimplement the method explained in [5]. could reuse some code from here or translat in python the c++ code from here
Free BSD.
If you use any part of this work please cite the following:
Section 3.5 from Model-based 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Monocular Video. M. de la Gorce PHD Ecole Centrale Paris 2009 pdf
TITLE = {{Model-based 3D hand pose estimation from monocular video}},
AUTHOR = {La Gorce, Martin de De la Gorce},
URL = {},
NUMBER = {2009ECAP0045},
SCHOOL = {{Ecole Centrale Paris}},
YEAR = {2009},
MONTH = Dec,
TYPE = {Theses},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {tel-00619637},
[1] Martin de La Gorce Model-based 3D hand pose estimation from monocular video PhD Ecole Centrale de Paris 2009 pdf
[2] Gozde Unal, Anthony Yezzi and Hamid Krim Information-Theoretic Active Polygons for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation IJCV 2014. pdf
[3] Gozde Unal, Hamid Krim and Anthony Yezzi Active Polygons for Object Tracking. In IEEE 1st Int. Conf. 3D Data Processing and Visualization and Transmission 2002. pdf
[4] Josiah Manson and Scott Schaefer Analytic Rasterization of Curves with Polynomial Filters Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics) 2013 pdf code
[5] Analytic Visibility on the GPU Thomas Auzinger, Michael Wimmer, Stefan Jeschke Computer Graphics Forum 2013. pdf