Releases: martinbjeldbak/twitch-chat-cli
Releases · martinbjeldbak/twitch-chat-cli
Mainly maintenance changes and linting fixes across workflows and code, no feature changes
- dfc793f: Add asciicast to README (@martinbjeldbak)
- aae9575: Add asciicast with multiple channel (@martinbjeldbak)
- deed51c: Add gitleaks action (@martinbjeldbak)
- e6bc155: Add hadolint action (@martinbjeldbak)
- 30ba9b1: Bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 (#4) (@dependabot[bot])
- 7460433: Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 (#5) (@dependabot[bot])
- 06a9a11: Bump from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 (#3) (@dependabot[bot])
- e937d4d: Documentation improvements (@martinbjeldbak)
- 1c5d136: Explicit hadolint version (@martinbjeldbak)
- a96d5de: Fix copy/paste error in .goreleaser.yml (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6b4acdf: Fix hadolint ignore rule (@martinbjeldbak)
- 5a55fdf: Fix syntax error in ci workflow (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8f79f2d: Golangci-lint fixes (@martinbjeldbak)
- 44fad45: Hadolint improvements (@martinbjeldbak)
- a877474: Move client ID to flag with default (@martinbjeldbak)
- 82fc0fa: Remove unnecessary PR update (@martinbjeldbak)
- 7f8f774: Remove unused param (@martinbjeldbak)
- 71d15ea: Remove upload of SBOMs (@martinbjeldbak)
- 06f05af: Run Gofumpt (@martinbjeldbak)
- 91bc3c2: Test against golang 19 (@martinbjeldbak)
- a0f1f55: Update PR with hadolint results (@martinbjeldbak)
- 77a7161: Workflow naming standardizatrion (@martinbjeldbak)
Fix issue in v0.2.0 where docker image was not able to run
- 3a326cc: Add golangci config (@martinbjeldbak)
- 1f57af2: Set $GOARM to 7 (default 6) (@martinbjeldbak)
- d0c6f2c: Switch to distroless base image (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6aa45f4: Add code-ql analysis workflow (@martinbjeldbak)
- 2cce9e5: Add dependabot config (@martinbjeldbak)
- 4467368: Add entrypoint to Dockerfile and default flag as CMD (@martinbjeldbak)
- 9d0f8c4: Add link to source of parseJwt function (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8c0baee: Add todo list item (@martinbjeldbak)
- 28d1c57: Allow goreleaser to create packages (@martinbjeldbak)
- b387280: Auth improvement - show full string to copy/paste (@martinbjeldbak)
- b7fb3e0: Build docker images (@martinbjeldbak)
- 9518c28: Bump from 0.22.0 to 0.22.1 (#1) (@dependabot[bot])
- 7024182: Bump from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0 (#2) (@dependabot[bot])
- 443828c: Check error code of Write (@martinbjeldbak)
- ae43fe3: Dependabot set assignee to me (@martinbjeldbak)
- aff5568: Display current Twitch category (@martinbjeldbak)
- bfb76a5: Documentation improvements (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8358cce: Embed callback html file into binary (@martinbjeldbak)
- c751810: Fix reference to license in .goreleaser (@martinbjeldbak)
- 48381f2: Fix support for anonymous accounts (@martinbjeldbak)
- 2e92c2a: Fix tyop (@martinbjeldbak)
- 4e34dee: Go mod tidy (@martinbjeldbak)
- b0781ee: Golangci lint fix (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8b9fae1: Golangci lint fix (@martinbjeldbak)
- 5262b7d: Goreleaser uplift (@martinbjeldbak)
- 7958367: Initial implementation of OIDC implicit grant (@martinbjeldbak)
- 7918a09: Install goreleaser in devcontainer (@martinbjeldbak)
- ed6e4bd: Load auth from config (@martinbjeldbak)
- f457400: Minor improvement in app.go (@martinbjeldbak)
- ac2765e: Minor improvements to local auth server (@martinbjeldbak)
- 84780e2: Move client say to Cmd (@martinbjeldbak)
- 2405ffe: Move helix to direct dependencies (@martinbjeldbak)
- 54a08e9: Move wordwrap to view (@martinbjeldbak)
- d217633: Publish more tags (@martinbjeldbak)
- f31e086: Readme updates (@martinbjeldbak)
- 326fe5b: Remove go:generate in favor of new embedded package (@martinbjeldbak)
- a3d8934: Remove unnecessary args (@martinbjeldbak)
- 1aeb0ce: Requests scopes to interact with chat (@martinbjeldbak)
- 9d48158: Simplify codeql workflow (@martinbjeldbak)
- b542b9d: Simplify goreleaser for first builds (@martinbjeldbak)
- 55541ec: Simplify serving of callback file (@martinbjeldbak)
- f90cc14: Uncheck unimplemented readme (@martinbjeldbak)
- 5b88d5a: Update example config (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8f0bc44: Update release action to support docker (@martinbjeldbak)
- 61db6fa: Update to multistage dockerfile (@martinbjeldbak)
- 60d5625: Use goreleaser based dockerfile (@martinbjeldbak)
- 71bc15d: Wrap long lines in viewport and input (@martinbjeldbak)
- 7c55a4c: performance: cache style by color (@martinbjeldbak)
Initial release
Initial snapshot of code, working with basic functionality such as
- Authentication as a user (or not, anonymous works too)
- Connecting to multiple channels
- Viewing a channel's chat messages
- Sending a chat message to a channel
- Goreleaser to manage releases
Not at all in a completed state. Just wanted to get first release out (and play with goreleaser)
Can run on unix this with
$ ./twitch-chat-cli --channels "ThePrimeagen"
And Windows with
PS .\twitch-chat-cli.exe --channels "ThePrimeagen"
- edd72fa: Add MIT license (@martinbjeldbak)
- fdfe59b: Add ability to say message, loglevel support (@martinbjeldbak)
- 9040ca5: Add cobra & viper as CLI tool (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8b4747b: Add dummy username (@martinbjeldbak)
- e448664: Add example channel config to test (@martinbjeldbak)
- b55fb90: Add goalngci-lint (@martinbjeldbak)
- e6aa2a0: Add goreleaser-check job to ci (@martinbjeldbak)
- e485e78: Add launch.json with default example config (@martinbjeldbak)
- 789d0fa: Add link to license (@martinbjeldbak)
- cbb206c: Add missing uses key (@martinbjeldbak)
- bcbed89: Add release with GoReleaser workflow (@martinbjeldbak)
- b3faf05: Add runs-on to goreleaser check (@martinbjeldbak)
- 2e2bc56: Add support for launching with oauth token (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6654e5d: Bump to 0.1 (@martinbjeldbak)
- 41b2617: Cache go packages (@martinbjeldbak)
- f263b7b: Convert channels from map to array (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6deebd4: Create a chan for each config and write and read to them (@martinbjeldbak)
- 236093f: Default current channel to first in config array (@martinbjeldbak)
- 1af6395: Disable cache for now (@martinbjeldbak)
- 93983af: Don't throw away older messages until cleaner solution (@martinbjeldbak)
- f8fdd99: Fix indent in GHA (@martinbjeldbak)
- 601d0f8: Fix ref to textInput (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6a09715: Fix reference to matrix variable (@martinbjeldbak)
- 91881ad: Fix setting of username (@martinbjeldbak)
- c8eb812: Fix setup-go go-version call (@martinbjeldbak)
- 1ff8546: Fix syntax error (@martinbjeldbak)
- f1184a4: Go 1.18 (@martinbjeldbak)
- f12fee6: Golangci lint fixes (@martinbjeldbak)
- 14e88ef: Golanglint ci (@martinbjeldbak)
- 5976e86: Ignore log files (@martinbjeldbak)
- bcfe796: Implement bubbles viewport for scrolling (@martinbjeldbak)
- 7f62ce9: Implement safesync for logger (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8f8c229: Improve display of images in iterm (@martinbjeldbak)
- 65d13cc: Initial goreleaser (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8788ba7: Initial text input rendering (@martinbjeldbak)
- 293d2a1: Integrat bubbletea with messages going to channels (@martinbjeldbak)
- d40d7c0: Minor code cleanup (@martinbjeldbak)
- 9617f6c: Minor refactorings (@martinbjeldbak)
- b41bca2: Move bubbletea logic into app package (@martinbjeldbak)
- ea17996: Output bools to support emote rendering (@martinbjeldbak)
- 9c2a1f6: Pass in config to app (@martinbjeldbak)
- f526ef1: Redo devcontainer to use ms ones (@martinbjeldbak)
- d3d0ac4: Remove copyright (@martinbjeldbak)
- 1c00a5c: Remove runtime container (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8eff0dd: Remove unused file (@martinbjeldbak)
- ac554fe: Rename cmd -> commands (@martinbjeldbak)
- 17eb2f4: Rename test -> ci workflow (@martinbjeldbak)
- 88b59d9: Render messages with name and color (@martinbjeldbak)
- f452abe: Rotate secret, fix chat bug (@martinbjeldbak)
- e86bfd8: Run go mod tidy (@martinbjeldbak)
- db64b9a: Start console in integrated terminal (@martinbjeldbak)
- 9be1917: Start pestily first (@martinbjeldbak)
- 5de885b: Support overriding channels by CLI (@martinbjeldbak)
- cc8a767: Support pagination (@martinbjeldbak)
- dad6de9: Tick off gorelease integration (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6873a4d: Try better version matcher (@martinbjeldbak)
- 84ea071: Try fixing go-version (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6bac200: Try with test matrix (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6d2c17f: Update README with latest state (@martinbjeldbak)
- 72185c5: Update dependencies (@martinbjeldbak)
- 220d3de: Update example on where to get oauth token (@martinbjeldbak)
- e2c9410: Update example with currently online streamers (@martinbjeldbak)
- d836d3a: Update go & dependencies (@martinbjeldbak)
- 2405624: Update readme (@martinbjeldbak)
- 050ff71: Update rootcmd description (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8fe7785: Update todo list (@martinbjeldbak)
- b5b9ea3: Update todo list (@martinbjeldbak)
- bd1f8ff: Use RunE over Run (@martinbjeldbak)
- 6bb0b23: Use github changelog for goreleaser, publish draft (@martinbjeldbak)
- d3f25a1: Use rasterm library for iTerm style rendering (@martinbjeldbak)
- a25c9a7: Work on multiaccount support (@martinbjeldbak)
- ecf8776: go mod tidy (@martinbjeldbak)
- 8dae68d: initial work on read-only mode (@martinbjeldbak)
- 470f033: rename variable (@martinbjeldbak)