This tool is for creating visualizations of CloudFormation templates.
cd cloud-formation-viz
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python install
The help message can be printed with the following command:
Usage: cfviz [OPTIONS] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]
INPUT input filename [default: stdin]
OUTPUT output filename [default: stdout]
--unique-edges / --no-unique-edges
--parameters / --no-parameters
--outputs / --no-outputs
--pseudo / --no-pseudo
--globals / --no-globals
--icons-path PATH
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
It outputs Graphviz dot files. It can be used like this where example.template is a json cloudformation template:
cat example.template | cfviz | dot -Tsvg -oexample.svg
The following can also be used:
cfviz example.yaml | dot -Tsvg -oexample.svg
cfviz example.yaml - | dot -Tsvg -oexample.svg
cfviz example.yaml
There are three dependencies of the cfviz
Python (>=3.7) script.
Required packages:
You will also need to have Graphviz installed for the output to be any use.
The samples directory contains output of running the tool over the aws-samples provided by AWS.
To add icons to the output run the procedure in the icons/ file. Note some of the references to resources on the AWS site might need to be updated as new icon sets are released.
The following then can be used:
cfviz --icons-path icons/ template.yaml - | dot -Tpng -otemplate.png