The Weather Dashboard is a browser-based application that provides users with dynamically updated weather information for cities. It utilizes the 5 Day Weather Forecast API to retrieve weather data. Users can search for a city, view current weather details, and access a 5-day forecast.
The primary tools used include:
jQuery: Used for DOM manipulation, dynamic HTML element creation, and animation.
OpenWeatherMap API: Integrated for fetching a 5-day weather forecast for cities.
Bootstrap: Employed to enhance the UI, ensuring a polished and mobile-friendly design.
A snapshot of the Weather Dashboard interface with a clean, user-friendly design.
City Search: Users can enter the name of a city in the search input to retrieve weather information.
5 Day Forecast: The application displays a 5-day weather forecast for the selected city.
Persistent Storage: User searches are stored in the local storage, creating a search history that users can reference.
Current Weather Details: In addition to basic information like temperature, date, humidity, and wind, the current weather card includes additional details such as sunrise and sunset times, pressure, visibility, and population.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the
file in your preferred web browser. - Interaction with the Weather Dashbord:
Load or Refresh: On the first load or refresh, the page presents a search input only.
Search for a City: Search for a City Type the name of a city in the search input.
View Weather Details: Press "Search" or hit "Enter" to shift the search input to the left and display weather details for the entered city.
Access Search History: Previously searched cities are added to the search history. Click on a city in the search history to view its weather details.
- Alternatively, you can use the Weather Dashbord directly simply navigate to the GitHub Pages.
Unit Selection: Allow users to toggle between metric and imperial units for temperature and other weather metrics.
Interactive Map: Implement an interactive map feature to visually display the location of the selected city.
User Preferences: Enable users to customize the application settings according to their preferences.
N/A (Open for contributions).
Please refer to the LICENSE file in this repository for details on how this project is licensed.