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start generalizing InjectiveTypes/MathematicalStructures
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martinescardo committed Sep 6, 2023
1 parent bc6402c commit 65a75c9
Showing 1 changed file with 185 additions and 0 deletions.
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions source/InjectiveTypes/Sigma.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
Martin Escardo, 5th September 2023

This is work in progress. For motivation, please read the comments in [1].

We give sufficient conditions to derive algebraic flabbiness of the
type Σ x ꞉ X , S x from algebraic flabbiness of the type X. (And hence
injectivity from injectivity.)

This should eventually subsume and improve [1], but this work is not
completed yet.

There are currently a couple of problems with this generalization,
including universe levels.

For the moment I am not going to work any further with this (until I
really need it).

For motivation, the reader should check the file

Two big improvements here are that

1. We don't require the canonical map to be an equivalence - we
merely require it to have a section. (So it is easier to apply the
theorems are as there are fewer things to check.)

2. We don't restrict to a particular flabiness structure, whereas in [1]
we use the Π-flabbiness structure.

[1] InjectiveTypes.MathematicalStructures.

TODO. Rewrite [1] to use retractions rather than equivalences. This
will be not only more general but also shorter.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --exact-split #-}

open import UF.FunExt

module InjectiveTypes.Sigma
(fe : FunExt)


fe' : Fun-Ext
fe' {𝓤} {𝓥} = fe 𝓤 𝓥

open import InjectiveTypes.Blackboard fe
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import UF.Base
open import UF.Retracts
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

extension : {X : 𝓦 ̇}
→ aflabby X 𝓤 → (p : Ω 𝓤) → (p holds → X) → X
extension = aflabby-extension

extends : {X : 𝓦 ̇} (ϕ : aflabby X 𝓤) (p : Ω 𝓤)
(f : p holds → X) (h : p holds)
→ extension ϕ p f = f h
extends = aflabby-extension-property

module _ {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
(S : X → 𝓦 ̇ )
(ϕ : aflabby X 𝓦)

ρ : (p : Ω 𝓦) (f : p holds → X)
→ S (extension ϕ p f) → ((h : p holds) → S (f h))
ρ p f s h = transport S (extends ϕ p f h) s

ρ-has-section : 𝓤 ⊔ (𝓦 ⁺) ̇
ρ-has-section = (p : Ω 𝓦)
(f : p holds → X)
→ has-section (ρ p f)

Σ-is-aflabby : ρ-has-section → aflabby (Σ S) 𝓦
Σ-is-aflabby hs = I
I : aflabby (Σ S) 𝓦
I P P-is-prop ψ = (extension ϕ p f , s) , II
p : Ω 𝓦
p = (P , P-is-prop)

have-ϕ : p holds → Σ S
have-ϕ = ψ

f : p holds → X
f = pr₁ ∘ ψ

g : (h : P) → S (f h)
g = pr₂ ∘ ψ

σ : ((h : p holds) → S (f h)) → S (extension ϕ p f)
σ = pr₁ (hs p f)

η : ρ p f ∘ σ ∼ id
η = pr₂ (hs p f)

s : S (extension ϕ p f)
s = σ g

II : (h : p holds) → (extension ϕ p f , s) = ψ h
II h = extension ϕ p f , s =⟨ to-Σ-= (extends ϕ p f h , III) ⟩
f h , g h =⟨ refl ⟩
ψ h ∎
III = transport S (extends ϕ p f h) s =⟨ refl ⟩
ρ p f s h =⟨ refl ⟩
ρ p f (σ g) h =⟨ ap (λ - → - h) (η g) ⟩
g h ∎

Σ-ainjective : ρ-has-section → ainjective-type (Σ S) 𝓦 𝓦
Σ-ainjective = aflabby-types-are-ainjective (Σ S)
∘ Σ-is-aflabby

module _ (T : {x y : X} → x = y → S x → S y)
(T-refl : {x : X} → T (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 x) ∼ id)

T-is-transport : {x y : X} (e : x = y)
→ T e ∼ transport S e
T-is-transport refl = T-refl

ρ' : (p : Ω 𝓦) (f : p holds → X)
→ S (extension ϕ p f) → (h : p holds) → S (f h)
ρ' p f s h = T (extends ϕ p f h) s

ρs-agreement : (p : Ω 𝓦)
(f : p holds → X)
→ ρ p f ∼ ρ' p f
ρs-agreement p f s =
ρ p f s =⟨ refl ⟩
(λ h → transport S (extends ϕ p f h) s) =⟨ I ⟩
(λ h → T (extends ϕ p f h) s) =⟨ refl ⟩
ρ' p f s ∎
I = dfunext fe' (λ h → (T-is-transport (extends ϕ p f h) s)⁻¹)

ρ'-has-section : 𝓤 ⊔ (𝓦 ⁺) ̇
ρ'-has-section = (p : Ω 𝓦)
(f : p holds → X)
→ has-section (ρ' p f)

canonical-section-criterion : ρ'-has-section
→ ρ-has-section
canonical-section-criterion ρ'-has-section p f =
(ρ' p f)
(ρ p f)
(ρ'-has-section p f)
(ρs-agreement p f)

canonical-section-criterion-converse : ρ-has-section
→ ρ'-has-section
canonical-section-criterion-converse ρ-has-section p f =
(ρ p f)
(ρ' p f)
(ρ-has-section p f)
(∼-sym (ρs-agreement p f))


Discussion. It is easy to prove (TODO) that

ΣΣ-is-aflabby : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
(A : X → ? ̇ ) (B : (x : X) → A x → ? ̇ )
→ (ϕ : aflabby X ?)
→ (hs : ρ-has-section A ϕ)
→ ρ-has-section (λ ((x , a) : Σ A) → B x a) (Σ-is-aflabby A ϕ hs) -- (*)
→ aflabby (Σ x ꞉ X , Σ a ꞉ A x , B x a) ?

where the question marks are universes that Agda should be able to
resolve, or at least give contraints to.

However, the hypothesis (*) will not be very useful in practice,
because it is very complicated to state and check. So a good thing to
do would be to formulate and prove an equivalent condition that would
be easier to work with.

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