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triangle inequality for naturals and integers (#177)
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lane-core authored Sep 7, 2023
1 parent f03260b commit 72e37ac
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Showing 4 changed files with 218 additions and 0 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions source/Integers/Abs.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ of abs, along with positive and negative properties of integers.

open import MLTT.Spartan renaming (_+_ to _∔_)

open import Naturals.AbsoluteDifference
open import Naturals.Multiplication renaming (_*_ to _ℕ*_)
open import Integers.Addition
open import Integers.Multiplication
open import Integers.Negation
open import Integers.Type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,3 +171,29 @@ abs-over-mult' (negsucc x) (negsucc y) = I
iii = pos-multiplication-equiv-to-ℕ (succ x) (succ y) ⁻¹


Lane Biocini 2023

In this section I prove a convenience lemma about the Absolute Value operation,
then go on to prove a lemma regarding the equivalence of the addition of a positive
and negative Integer to the Absolute Difference operation in the Naturals, which
will help us when we prove the triangle inequality in the Integers.


pos-abs-is-absℤ : (x : ℤ) → pos (abs x) = absℤ x
pos-abs-is-absℤ (pos x) = refl
pos-abs-is-absℤ (negsucc x) = refl

abs-pos-plus-negsucc : (x y : ℕ) → abs (pos x +negsucc y) = ∣ x - succ y ∣
abs-pos-plus-negsucc zero y = ap abs (ℤ+-comm (pos 0) (negsucc y))
abs-pos-plus-negsucc (succ x) zero = refl
abs-pos-plus-negsucc (succ x) (succ y) =
abs (predℤ (pos (succ x) +negsucc y)) =⟨ i ⟩
abs (pos x +negsucc y) =⟨ abs-pos-plus-negsucc x y ⟩
∣ x - succ y ∣ ∎
i : abs (predℤ (pos (succ x) +negsucc y)) = abs (pos x +negsucc y)
i = ap abs (ℤ-left-pred (pos (succ x)) (negsucc y)) ⁻¹

75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions source/Integers/Order.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Andrew Sneap, 26th November 2021

open import MLTT.Spartan renaming (_+_ to _∔_)

open import Naturals.AbsoluteDifference using (∣_-_∣)
open import Naturals.Order
open import Notation.Order
open import UF.Base
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -786,3 +787,77 @@ Added by Todd
= ℤ-bigger-or-equal-not-less y x y≤x x<y


Lane Biocini 2023

A proof of the triangle inequality in the Integers using the Absolute Difference
operation defined in the Naturals. We first define a convenience lemma.


ℕ-order-respects-ℤ-order'' : (m n : ℕ) → m ≤ n → pos m ≤ pos n
ℕ-order-respects-ℤ-order'' zero n l = ℤ-zero-least-pos n
ℕ-order-respects-ℤ-order'' (succ m) n l = ℕ-order-respects-ℤ-order m n l

triangle-inequality₀ : (x y : ℕ) → abs (pos x +pos y) ≤ℕ abs (pos x) ℕ+ abs (pos y)
triangle-inequality₀ x y = transport (_≤ℕ x ℕ+ y) γ (≤-refl (x ℕ+ y))
γ : x ℕ+ y = abs (pos x +pos y)
γ = x ℕ+ y =⟨ ap abs (distributivity-pos-addition x y) ⁻¹ ⟩
abs (pos x +pos y) ∎

triangle-inequality₁ : (x y : ℕ) → abs (pos x +negsucc y) ≤ℕ succ (x ℕ+ y)
triangle-inequality₁ x y = transport (_≤ℕ succ (x ℕ+ y)) γ Γ
Γ : ∣ x - succ y ∣ ≤ℕ succ (x ℕ+ y)
Γ = triangle-inequality x 0 (succ y)

γ : ∣ x - succ y ∣ = abs (pos x +negsucc y)
γ = abs-pos-plus-negsucc x y ⁻¹

triangle-inequality₂ : (x y : ℕ) → abs (negsucc x +pos y) ≤ℕ (succ x ℕ+ y)
triangle-inequality₂ x y = transport₂ _≤ℕ_ I II (triangle-inequality₁ y x)
I : abs (pos y +negsucc x) = abs (negsucc x +pos y)
I = ap abs (ℤ+-comm (pos y) (negsucc x))

II : succ (y ℕ+ x) = succ x ℕ+ y
II = ap succ (addition-commutativity y x) ∙ succ-left x y ⁻¹

triangle-inequality₃ : (x y : ℕ) → abs (negsucc x +negsucc y) ≤ℕ succ (succ x ℕ+ y)
triangle-inequality₃ x y = transport (_≤ℕ succ (succ x ℕ+ y)) γ Γ
Γ : abs (pos (succ x) + pos (succ y)) ≤ℕ succ (succ x ℕ+ y)
Γ = triangle-inequality₀ (succ x) (succ y)

γ : abs (pos (succ x) + pos (succ y)) = abs (negsucc x +negsucc y)
γ = abs (succℤ (pos (succ x) +pos y)) =⟨ i ⟩
abs (- succℤ (pos (succ x) +pos y)) =⟨ ii ⟩
abs (negsucc x +negsucc y) ∎
i = abs-removes-neg-sign (succℤ (pos (succ x) +pos y))
ii = ap abs (negation-dist (pos (succ x)) (pos (succ y))) ⁻¹

ℤ-triangle-inequality : (x y : ℤ) → abs (x + y) ≤ℕ abs x ℕ+ abs y
ℤ-triangle-inequality (pos x) (pos y) = triangle-inequality₀ x y
ℤ-triangle-inequality (pos x) (negsucc y) = triangle-inequality₁ x y
ℤ-triangle-inequality (negsucc x) (pos y) = triangle-inequality₂ x y
ℤ-triangle-inequality (negsucc x) (negsucc y) = triangle-inequality₃ x y

ℤ-triangle-inequality' : (x y : ℤ) → absℤ (x + y) ≤ℤ absℤ x + absℤ y
ℤ-triangle-inequality' x y = transport₂ _≤ℤ_ I II Γ
Γ : pos (abs (x + y)) ≤ℤ pos (abs x ℕ+ abs y)
Γ = ℕ-order-respects-ℤ-order'' (abs (x + y)) (abs x ℕ+ abs y) (ℤ-triangle-inequality x y)

I : pos (abs (x + y)) = absℤ (x + y)
I = pos-abs-is-absℤ (x + y)

II : pos (abs x ℕ+ abs y) = absℤ x + absℤ y
II = pos (abs x ℕ+ abs y) =⟨ i ⟩
(pos (abs x) +pos abs y) =⟨ ii ⟩
absℤ x + absℤ y ∎
i = distributivity-pos-addition (abs x) (abs y) ⁻¹
ii : (pos (abs x) +pos abs y) = absℤ x + absℤ y
ii = ap₂ (λ x y → x + y) (pos-abs-is-absℤ x) (pos-abs-is-absℤ y)
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions source/Naturals/AbsoluteDifference.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Lane Biocini 2023

This module defines the Absolute Difference operation, where we take two numbers
and return the absolute value of the remainder left over after subtracting one
from the other. It also defines some useful lemmas that will come in handy when
we tackle the triangle inequality in the Integers, and also to prove the
Natural Number analog for the triangle inequality.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --exact-split #-}

module Naturals.AbsoluteDifference where

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (_+_)
open import Naturals.Addition renaming (_+_ to _+_)

∣_-_∣ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
∣ x - zero ∣ = x
∣ zero - succ y ∣ = succ y
∣ succ x - succ y ∣ = ∣ x - y ∣

minus-nothing : (x : ℕ) → ∣ 0 - x ∣ = x
minus-nothing zero = refl
minus-nothing (succ x) = refl

exact-difference-is-zero : (x : ℕ) → ∣ x - x ∣ = 0
exact-difference-is-zero zero = refl
exact-difference-is-zero (succ x) = exact-difference-is-zero x

diff-commutative : (x y : ℕ) → ∣ x - y ∣ = ∣ y - x ∣
diff-commutative zero y = minus-nothing y
diff-commutative (succ x) zero = refl
diff-commutative (succ x) (succ y) = diff-commutative x y

diff-sum : (x y : ℕ) → ∣ x + y - y ∣ = x
diff-sum zero zero = refl
diff-sum zero (succ y) = ap (λ u → ∣ u - y ∣) (zero-left-neutral y)
∙ exact-difference-is-zero y
diff-sum (succ x) zero = refl
diff-sum (succ x) (succ y) = diff-sum (succ x) y

72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions source/Naturals/Order.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Naturals.Order where
open import MLTT.Spartan

open import Naturals.Addition renaming (_+_ to _+'_)
open import Naturals.AbsoluteDifference
open import Naturals.Properties
open import Notation.Order
open import Ordinals.Notions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -804,3 +805,74 @@ less-than-pos-mult : (x y z : ℕ) → x < y → x < y * succ z
less-than-pos-mult x y z l = <-+ x y (y * z) l


Lane Biocini 2023

Here we define some order lemmas for the Absolute Difference operation and then
prove the analog of the triangle inequality for the Natural Numbers under it.


≤-diff : (x y : ℕ) → ∣ x - y ∣ ≤ x +' y
≤-diff x zero = ≤-refl x
≤-diff zero (succ y) = ≤-+' zero y
≤-diff (succ x) (succ y) = γ
Γ : (x +' y) ≤ℕ (succ x +' y)
Γ = ≤-trans (x +' y) (succ (x +' y)) (succ x +' y)
(≤-succ (x +' y))
(equal-gives-less-than-or-equal (succ (x +' y)) (succ x +' y)
(succ-left x y ⁻¹))

γ : ∣ x - y ∣ ≤ℕ succ (succ x +' y)
γ = ≤-trans₂ ∣ x - y ∣ (x +' y) (succ x +' y) (succ (succ x +' y))
(≤-diff x y) Γ (≤-succ (succ x +' y))

≤-diff-minus : (x y : ℕ) → x ≤ y +' ∣ y - x ∣
≤-diff-minus zero y = ⋆
≤-diff-minus (succ x) zero = ≤-+' zero x
≤-diff-minus (succ x) (succ y) = γ
Γ : x ≤ℕ (y +' ∣ y - x ∣)
Γ = ≤-diff-minus x y

γ : succ x ≤ℕ (succ y +' ∣ y - x ∣)
γ = ≤-trans (succ x) (succ (y +' ∣ y - x ∣)) (succ y +' ∣ y - x ∣)
(succ-monotone x (y +' ∣ y - x ∣) Γ)
(succ (y +' ∣ y - x ∣)) (succ y +' ∣ y - x ∣)
(succ-left y ∣ y - x ∣ ⁻¹))

≤-diff-plus : (x y : ℕ) → x ≤ℕ (∣ x - y ∣ +' y)
≤-diff-plus zero y = ⋆
≤-diff-plus (succ x) zero = ≤-refl x
≤-diff-plus (succ x) (succ y) = ≤-diff-plus x y

triangle-inequality : (x y z : ℕ) → ∣ x - z ∣ ≤ ∣ x - y ∣ +' ∣ y - z ∣
triangle-inequality zero y z =
≤-trans₂ ∣ zero - z ∣ z (y +' ∣ y - z ∣) (∣ zero - y ∣ +' ∣ y - z ∣) Γ α γ
Γ : ∣ zero - z ∣ ≤ℕ z
Γ = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal ∣ zero - z ∣ z
(minus-nothing z)

α : z ≤ℕ (y +' ∣ y - z ∣)
α = ≤-diff-minus z y

β : y ≤ℕ ∣ zero - y ∣
β = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal y ∣ zero - y ∣ (minus-nothing y ⁻¹)

γ : (y +' ∣ y - z ∣) ≤ℕ (∣ zero - y ∣ +' ∣ y - z ∣)
γ = ≤-adding y ∣ zero - y ∣ ∣ y - z ∣ ∣ y - z ∣ β (≤-refl ∣ y - z ∣)
triangle-inequality (succ x) zero zero = ≤-refl x
triangle-inequality (succ x) zero (succ z) =
≤-trans₂ ∣ x - z ∣ (x +' z) (succ (x +' z)) (succ (succ x +' z))
(≤-diff x z)
(≤-succ (x +' z))
(≤-trans (x +' z) (succ (x +' z)) (succ x +' z) (≤-succ (x +' z)) α )
α = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal (succ (x +' z)) (succ x +' z) (succ-left x z ⁻¹)
triangle-inequality (succ x) (succ y) zero = ≤-diff-plus x y
triangle-inequality (succ x) (succ y) (succ z) = triangle-inequality x y z


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