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martinescardo committed Aug 27, 2023
1 parent cd3cfda commit ac08db0
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Showing 2 changed files with 24 additions and 286 deletions.
303 changes: 24 additions & 279 deletions source/InjectiveTypes/CounterExamples-working.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,293 +59,43 @@ private
open import InjectiveTypes.Blackboard fe
open import TypeTopology.SimpleTypes fe pt


The two-point type 𝟚 is not injective in general. It is algebraically
injective if and only if weak excluded middle holds.


𝟚-ainjective-gives-WEM : ainjective-type 𝟚 𝓤 𝓥 → WEM 𝓤
𝟚-ainjective-gives-WEM {𝓤} 𝟚-ainj = I
d : decomposition 𝟚
d = id , (₀ , refl) , (₁ , refl)

I = decomposition-of-ainjective-type-gives-WEM 𝟚 𝟚-ainj d

WEM-gives-𝟚-retract-of-Ω : WEM 𝓤 → retract 𝟚 of Ω 𝓤
WEM-gives-𝟚-retract-of-Ω {𝓤} wem = II
h : (p : Ω 𝓤) → is-decidable (¬ (p holds)) → 𝟚
h p (inl _) = ₀
h p (inr _) = ₁

Ω-to-𝟚 : Ω 𝓤 → 𝟚
Ω-to-𝟚 p = h p (wem (p holds) (holds-is-prop p))

I : (n : 𝟚) (d : is-decidable (¬ (𝟚-to-Ω n holds))) → h (𝟚-to-Ω n) d = n
I ₀ (inl ϕ) = refl
I ₁ (inl ϕ) = 𝟘-elim (ϕ ⋆)
I ₀ (inr ψ) = 𝟘-elim (ψ unique-from-𝟘)
I ₁ (inr ψ) = refl

d : (p : Ω 𝓤) → is-decidable (¬ (p holds))
d p = wem (p holds) (holds-is-prop p)

II : retract 𝟚 of (Ω 𝓤)
II = (λ p → h p (d p)) ,
𝟚-to-Ω ,
(λ n → I n (d (𝟚-to-Ω n)))

WEM-gives-𝟚-ainjective : WEM 𝓤 → ainjective-type 𝟚 𝓤 𝓤
WEM-gives-𝟚-ainjective {𝓤} wem =
retract-of-ainjective 𝟚 (Ω 𝓤) (Ω-ainjective pe') (WEM-gives-𝟚-retract-of-Ω wem)

WEM-gives-𝟚-aflabby : WEM 𝓤 → aflabby 𝟚 𝓤
WEM-gives-𝟚-aflabby wem = ainjective-types-are-aflabby 𝟚 (WEM-gives-𝟚-ainjective wem)


The simple types are not injective in general. These are the types
formed by starting with ℕ and closing under function types. We can
also add the type 𝟚 to the base case of the definition to get the same


simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM : (X : 𝓤₀ ̇)
→ simple-type₂ X → ainjective-type X 𝓤 𝓤 → WEM 𝓤
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM X s X-ainj =
𝟚-ainjective-gives-WEM (retract-of-ainjective 𝟚 X X-ainj (simple-types₂-disconnected s))

: (ainjective-type ℕ 𝓤 𝓤 → WEM 𝓤)
× (ainjective-type (ℕ → ℕ) 𝓤 𝓤 → WEM 𝓤)
× (ainjective-type (ℕ → 𝟚) 𝓤 𝓤 → WEM 𝓤)
× (ainjective-type ((ℕ → ℕ) → ℕ) 𝓤 𝓤 → WEM 𝓤)
× (ainjective-type ((ℕ → 𝟚) → ℕ) 𝓤 𝓤 → WEM 𝓤)
× (ainjective-type (((ℕ → ℕ) → ℕ) → ℕ) 𝓤 𝓤 → WEM 𝓤)
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM-examples =
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM _ base ,
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM _ (step base base) ,
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM _ (step base base₂) ,
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM _ (step (step base base) base) ,
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM _ (step (step base base₂) base) ,
simple-type₂-injective-gives-WEM _ (step (step (step base base) base) base)


TODO. We can also close under _×_ and _+_ to get the same result. We
can also close under Π, but maybe not under Σ.

If the type ℝ of Dedekind reals is injective then there are
discontinuous functions ℝ → ℝ, e.g. the Heaviside function, which is
also a constructive taboo. Notice that the type ℝ lives in the
universe 𝓤₁.


open import DedekindReals.Type fe' pe' pt
open import DedekindReals.Order fe' pe' pt
open import Notation.Order

ℝ-ainjective-gives-Heaviside-function : ainjective-type ℝ 𝓤₁ 𝓤₁
→ Σ H ꞉ (ℝ → ℝ) ,
((x : ℝ) → (x < 0ℝ → H x = 0ℝ)
× (x ≥ 0ℝ → H x = 1ℝ))
ℝ-ainjective-gives-Heaviside-function ℝ-ainj = H , γ
j : (Σ x ꞉ ℝ , x < 0ℝ) + (Σ x ꞉ ℝ , x ≥ 0ℝ) → ℝ
j = cases pr₁ pr₁

j-is-embedding : is-embedding j
j-is-embedding = disjoint-cases-embedding pr₁ pr₁
(pr₁-is-embedding (λ x → <-is-prop x 0ℝ))
(pr₁-is-embedding (λ x → ≤-is-prop 0ℝ x))
d : disjoint-images pr₁ pr₁
d (x , l) (x , b) refl = <ℝ-irreflexive x (ℝ<-≤-trans x 0ℝ x l b)

h : (Σ x ꞉ ℝ , x < 0ℝ) + (Σ x ꞉ ℝ , x ≥ 0ℝ) → ℝ
h = cases (λ _ → 0ℝ) (λ _ → 1ℝ)

H : ℝ → ℝ
H = pr₁ (ℝ-ainj j j-is-embedding h)

H-extends-h-along-j : ∀ u → H (j u) = h u
H-extends-h-along-j = pr₂ (ℝ-ainj j j-is-embedding h)

γ : (x : ℝ) → (x < 0ℝ → H x = 0ℝ)
× (x ≥ 0ℝ → H x = 1ℝ)
γ x = I , II
I : x < 0ℝ → H x = 0ℝ
I l = H-extends-h-along-j (inl (x , l))

II : x ≥ 0ℝ → H x = 1ℝ
II b = H-extends-h-along-j (inr (x , b))


But we can do better than that and derive weak excluded middle from
the injectivity of ℝ.


open import Rationals.Type
open import Rationals.Order

ℝ-ainjective-gives-WEM : ainjective-type ℝ 𝓤 𝓥 → WEM 𝓤
ℝ-ainjective-gives-WEM {𝓤} ℝ-ainj P P-is-prop = XI
q : Ω 𝓤
q = (P + ¬ P) , decidability-of-prop-is-prop fe' P-is-prop

ℝ-aflabby : aflabby ℝ 𝓤
ℝ-aflabby = ainjective-types-are-aflabby ℝ ℝ-ainj

f : P + ¬ P → ℝ
f = cases (λ _ → 0ℝ) (λ _ → 1ℝ)

r : ℝ
r = aflabby-extension ℝ-aflabby q f

I : P → r = 0ℝ
I p = aflabby-extension-property ℝ-aflabby q f (inl p)

II : ¬ P → r = 1ℝ
II ν = aflabby-extension-property ℝ-aflabby q f (inr ν)

I-II : r ≠ 0ℝ → r ≠ 1ℝ → 𝟘
I-II u v = contrapositive II v (contrapositive I u)

I-II₀ : r ≠ 1ℝ → r = 0ℝ
I-II₀ v = ℝ-is-¬¬-separated r 0ℝ (λ u → I-II u v)

I-II₁ : r ≠ 0ℝ → r = 1ℝ
I-II₁ u = ℝ-is-¬¬-separated r 1ℝ (I-II u)

III : (1/4 < r) ∨ (r < 1/2)
III = ℝ-locatedness r 1/4 1/2 1/4<1/2

IV : 1/4 < r → r = 1ℝ
IV l = I-II₁ IV₀
IV₀ : r ≠ 0ℝ
IV₀ e = ℚ<-irrefl 1/4 IV₂
IV₁ : 1/4 < 0ℝ
IV₁ = transport (1/4 <_) e l
IV₂ : 1/4 < 1/4
IV₂ = ℚ<-trans 1/4 0ℚ 1/4 IV₁ 0<1/4

V : r < 1/2 → r = 0ℝ
V l = I-II₀ V₀
V₀ : r ≠ 1ℝ
V₀ e = ℚ<-irrefl 1/2 V₂
V₁ : 1ℝ < 1/2
V₁ = transport (_< 1/2) e l
V₂ : 1/2 < 1/2
V₂ = ℚ<-trans 1/2 1ℚ 1/2 1/2<1 V₁

VI : r = 0ℝ → ¬¬ P
VI e ν = apartness-gives-inequality 0ℝ 1ℝ
(0ℝ =⟨ e ⁻¹ ⟩
r =⟨ II ν ⟩
1ℝ ∎)

VII : r = 1ℝ → ¬ P
VII e p = apartness-gives-inequality 0ℝ 1ℝ
(0ℝ =⟨ (I p)⁻¹ ⟩
r =⟨ e ⟩
1ℝ ∎)

VIII : r < 1/2 → ¬¬ P
VIII l = VI (V l)

IX : 1/4 ℚ<ℝ r → ¬ P
IX l = VII (IV l)

X : ¬ P ∨ ¬¬ P
X = ∨-functor IX VIII III

XI : ¬ P + ¬¬ P
XI = exit-∥∥ (decidability-of-prop-is-prop fe' (negations-are-props fe')) X


TODO. Probably the converse holds.

The injectivity of ℕ∞, the conatural numbers, or generic convergent
sequence, gives WLPO. Like in the previous example, we first use
injectivity to define a non-continuous function.


open import CoNaturals.GenericConvergentSequence
open import Taboos.BasicDiscontinuity fe
open import Taboos.WLPO
open import Notation.CanonicalMap

ℕ∞-injective-gives-WLPO : ainjective-type ℕ∞ 𝓤₀ 𝓤₀ → WLPO
ℕ∞-injective-gives-WLPO ℕ∞-ainj = basic-discontinuity-taboo' f (f₀ , f₁)
g : ℕ + 𝟙 → ℕ∞
g (inl _) = ι 0
g (inr _) = ι 1

f : ℕ∞ → ℕ∞
f = pr₁ (ℕ∞-ainj ι𝟙 (ι𝟙-is-embedding fe') g)

f-extends-g-along-ι𝟙 : ∀ u → f (ι𝟙 u) = g u
f-extends-g-along-ι𝟙 = pr₂ (ℕ∞-ainj ι𝟙 (ι𝟙-is-embedding fe') g)

f₀ : (n : ℕ) → f (ι n) = ι 0
f₀ n = f-extends-g-along-ι𝟙 (inl n)

f₁ : f ∞ = ι 1
f₁ = f-extends-g-along-ι𝟙 (inr ⋆)


The above again illustrates that we can use injectivity to define
discontinuous functions. But we can actually get a stronger
conclusion with a weaker assumption and a simpler proof.


ℕ∞-injective-gives-WEM : ainjective-type ℕ∞ 𝓤 𝓥 → WEM 𝓤
ℕ∞-injective-gives-WEM ℕ∞-ainj =
𝟚-ainjective-gives-WEM (retract-of-ainjective 𝟚 ℕ∞ ℕ∞-ainj 𝟚-retract-of-ℕ∞)
open import InjectiveTypes.CounterExamples ua pt


Added 25th August 2023. Join work of Martin Escardo with Tom de
Jong. The remaining holes are easy to fill, but will require some
Jong. The remaining hole is easy to fill, but it requires some
labour. This is a blackboard development for the moment.

The idea is that there are should be no small injective types.

The following is true, by a result of de Jong and Escardo (using a
result of Shulman), but we haven't ptoved it in TypeTopology yet, and
so we assume it as a hypothesis.


open import UF.Size

retracts-of-small-types-are-small : (𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥 ⊔ 𝓦)⁺ ̇
retracts-of-small-types-are-small {𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} =
{X : 𝓤 ̇ }
→ {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
→ retract Y of X
→ X is 𝓦 small
→ Y is 𝓦 small

open import InjectiveTypes.OverSmallMaps fe
open import TypeTopology.DiscreteAndSeparated
open import UF.Size

: (D : 𝓤 ̇ )
: retracts-of-small-types-are-small
→ (D : 𝓤 ̇ )
→ ainjective-type D 𝓤 𝓥
→ has-two-distinct-points D
→ Ω¬¬ 𝓤 is 𝓤 small
{𝓤} {𝓥} D D-ainj ((x₀ , x₁) , distinct) = II I
{𝓤} {𝓥} small-retracts D D-ainj ((x₀ , x₁) , distinct) = II I
f : 𝟚 → D
f ₀ = x₀
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,21 +165,14 @@ small-injective-sets-with-two-distinct-points-gives-ꪪ-resizing
(λ p → being-¬¬-stable-is-prop fe' (holds-is-prop p))
(to-subtype-= (λ _ → being-prop-is-prop fe') (VII p))

s-is-embedding : is-embedding s
s-is-embedding d = {!!}

ρ : retract (Ω¬¬ 𝓤) of D
ρ = r , s , rs

Ω¬¬-is-small : Ω¬¬ 𝓤 is 𝓤 small
Ω¬¬-is-small = embedded-retract-is-small ρ s-is-embedding (native-size D)
Ω¬¬-is-small = small-retracts ρ (native-size D)


Using a result of Shulman, we don't need to assume that s is an
embedding to get the desired conclusion, but this is not implemented
in TypeTopology yet.

The above shows that e.g. the result that

ainjective-type (𝓤 ̇ ) 𝓤 𝓤
Expand All @@ -448,10 +191,12 @@ and in particular e.g.


example : ainjective-type (𝓤 ̇ ) (𝓤 ⁺) (𝓤 ⁺ ⁺)
example : retracts-of-small-types-are-small
→ ainjective-type (𝓤 ̇ ) (𝓤 ⁺) (𝓤 ⁺ ⁺)
→ Ω¬¬ (𝓤 ⁺) is (𝓤 ⁺) small
example {𝓤} ainj =
example {𝓤} small-retracts ainj =
(𝓤 ̇ )
((𝟘 , 𝟙) , 𝟘-is-not-𝟙)
Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions source/UF/Embeddings.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,13 +314,6 @@ lc-maps-are-embeddings-with-K : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ } (f : X → Y)
lc-maps-are-embeddings-with-K {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} {Y} f f-lc k =
lc-maps-into-sets-are-embeddings f f-lc (k Y)


TODO. Redo the above proof using the technique of the following proof.


factor-is-lc : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ } {Z : 𝓦 ̇ }
(f : X → Y)
(g : Y → Z)
Expand Down

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