/'mar.tin va.no/
- 🌱 I'm a 4th year developer studying at Epitech Technology
- 🔬 I'm currently working for Societe Générale as a Software Engineer
- 🔨 I use daily:
- raccord-io/backend - A software backend for simplifying pre-production in cinema
- raccord-io/pld - Dashboard for our Jira team project tracking and document generation
- raccord-io/scenario - Build AI models to parse, classify and extract data from a movie scenario
- raccord-io/green - Algorithm to compute carbon emissions from a movie production, data provided by ADEME (Agence de la transition écologique)
- sonycsl/beatbox - Synthesis of Drum Sounds With Perceptual Timbral Conditioning Using Generative Adversarial Networks
- sonycsl/sample_match - A application to sort samples with an audio track, using DrumGan (https://cslmusicteam.sony.fr/drumgan-vst/) you can visit at samplematch.cslmusic.team
- sonycsl/drumgan_webapp - A web application that generates random samples in a latent space using DrumGan (see project above for more info) you can visit at drumgan.cslmusic.team
- myepitech/area - A web application for Action & Reaction, automation platform such as IFTTT
- myepitech/indiestudio - A C++ cross-platform 3D video game with real-world tools
- myepitech/zappy - A C++ network game. Several teams confront on a tiles map containing resources. The winning team is the one with 6 players who reached maximum elevation.
- myepitech/rtype - A C++ network game. It consists of driving a ship to eliminate different types of enemies
- Email: [email protected]