Simple forth-like language that wraps around Python.
Forth Python
stack 1 print print(stack)
' ' '
' ' '
' ' ' check print type, function so consume arguments and execute
' '-- number of items to pull from the stack
' check stack type, is variable so put on stack
" Hello world! " 1 print print("Hello World!")
x : " Hello " 1 print ; def def x(): print("Hello")
' ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' ' define keyword
' ' ' ' end definiton block
' ' 'definition block
' 'begin definition block
'definition name
Python 2.7.x or 3.x
Start the interpreter:
python basics.fth
This will load the runtime and import basic functionality as well as documentation for Forth definitions.
You can now do usual Forth stuff:
2 3 + .
to print sum 2 + 3 and pop and print the result.
2 dup .s
to duplicate 2 and print stack.
'dup .help
will print help string for the dup definition.
" Hello, this is a string "
will put a string to the stack.
to exit.
You can call help for all definitions by prefixing the definition with ' and calling .help on it.
To call a Python function just call it as usual, but make sure the first argument is the number of arguments the function takes.
For example: " Hello, world! " 1 len .
will print the length.
See examples/ directory for more.
It is VERY slow. A version where code is compiled to .pyc files is coming soon hopefully.