This simple project has basic HTML and CSS with dynamic functionality using PHP and mysqli, This open source code can allow users to add, edit and remove multiple custom fields or style if it is necessary .
In this project we can :
- Welcome page ( Home page )
- Products Shop ( list of all products and product details )
- Register (create user compte)
- Login (with username and password)
- User Profile ( view , edit )
- Product (add , edit and delete)
- Admin Back-end
- Title : Php basic E-commerce websie
- Domain : Web technology
- Platform : PHP Scripting
- Languge : French
You will need to use this project and make sure :
- Web Server or Local Server ( wampserver,easyphp,...)
- PHP version > = 5.0.0
- MYSQL version >= 5.5.*
- Apache sever virsion >= 2.4.*
- Git ( is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. )
####Step 1 : Clone the project from github by gitbash here in server directory (www in wampserver for exemple)
$git clone project-name
####Step 2 : Open your project folder (project-name) with your browser :
> http://localhost/project-name/
####Step 3 :
Creat your database configuration :
[![Php basic E-commerce mysql.png](](
Host Name : localhost
User Name : root
User Password : null
Database Name : db_project
if you want to test the project with fake data, just check the checkbox and click `Install`.
login : admin password : 123
This Laravel Projects is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Made with ♥ by Marwen Hlaoui