##General Assembly WDI May 30, Project 1
MyCookbook is a web application that allows users to compile their very own "Cookbook" using recipes gathered through either (a) form-based submission (for family or personal recipes), or (b) a search of hundreds of thousands of recipes using BigOven's API. Users also can use the Grocery List feature to compile a shopping list using the ingredients from selected recipes in their Cookbook. Please sign up for full functionality, as back-end authentication was a focus on this project.
MyCookbook was developed for a project for the April 2014 Web Development Immersive course at General Assembly. It was developed over a week-long sprint to model the agile software development process.
##Technologies Used
- Ruby 2.1.1
- Rails 4.1.1
- PostgreSQL Database
- Authentication & Authorization from scratch using b-crypt-ruby
- BigOven API & HTTParty
- Testing using rspec-rails, capybara, shoulda-matchers, ffaker, and factory_girl_rails
- Front-end design & development from scratch
##User Stories Completed
- As a user, I can sign up for an account with an email address and password
- As a user, I can login and logout of my account
- As a user, I can perform basic recipe search by entering search terms
- As a user, I can see a list of search results and link to a specific search result
- As a user, I can save specific search results to my Cookbook
- As a user, I can enter my own recipe and add it to my Cookbook
- As a user, I can see a list of the recipes saved to my Cookbook
- As a user, I can edit all recipes in my Cookbook, regardless of origin
- As a user, I can delete recipes from my Cookbook
- As a user, I can select recipes to add to my Grocery List
- As a user, I can clear my Grocery List
##Production Explore MyCookbook for yourself on Heroku
##Backlog A full list of user stories can be found by looking at this Pivotal Tracker
Below is the ERD for MyCookbook, including plans to add a customizable styling element for each user.