This is the classic game of space invaders. To play, open terminal and run,
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will case a new window to pop-up. The player ship is on the bottom and enemy ships attack from the top. Play using the up-down-left-right arrow keys. Use spacebar to shoot.
There are several parameters that can be modified in SpaceInvadersGame.init() - player/enemy ship speed, number of frames per second, game window size. I recently got into gaming and wanted to try out game development first-hand as a hobby. This game is a very very small step towards it.
Built with:
- python 3.9.5
- numpy 1.20.3
- pygame 2.0.1
If there are any issues feel free to let me know, either by opening an issue or emailing me at [email protected]. Enjoy!