Change paths correctly in file Change paths correctly in bao-hypervisor/configs/config-X/config.c file
Follow the same prologue as here.
Build the Linux image + dtb blob:
make ARCH=rv64 IMAGE=../../linux_image/Image DTB=../occamy_bao.dtb TARGET=linux-rv64-alsaqr
git clone
git checkout openpiton-temp
cp -r ../bao/configs/* ./configs
cp -r ../bao/platform/* ./src/platform
make PLATFORM=alsaqr CONFIG=alsaqr-linux CONFIG_BUILTIN=y
git clone
make PLATFORM=fpga/alsaqr FW_PAYLOAD=y FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=../bao-hypervisor/bin/alsaqr/builtin-configs/alsaqr-linux/bao.bin FW_FDT_PATH=../linux/occamy.dtb
As of now, to interface with Alsaqr on FPGA we use openocd. The debugger we use is this one.
Open the hw manager and load the bitstream alsaqr_xilinx_llc_pc.bit (pre-built available on the folder bitstream)
Open 3 terminals:
openocd -f zcu-102-ariane.cfg
screen -L /dev/ttyUSBi 115200
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb <path-to-compiled-elf>
from gdb terminal
(a) target remote :3333
(b) monitor reset halt
(c) load
(d) c
At this point you are supposed to see the uart prints on the screen.