Biting the bullet and building my own theme. This is a fork of gruvbox baby.
It is not ready by any means and is just something fun on the side I plan to work on.
My goal is to simplify the design system and link-up the base highlights to plugins.
The hope is that a more predictable, easy to redesign system can emerge, that could be applied to make many themes with ease.
colorscheme flatbox
Plug 'beauwilliams/flatbox', {'branch': 'main'}
colorscheme flatbox
If you want to get the same statusline, try my statusline plugin
--THICC colomuns between splits
vim.opt.fillchars = {
horiz = "━",
horizup = "┻",
horizdown = "┳",
vert = "┃",
vertleft = "┫",
vertright = "┣",
verthoriz = "╋"