Free and open conversion of mass spec data
System Requirements:
- Docker
- Python3.10+ (Contains PEP 636 )
- Your favorite Python package manager (uv, pip, poetry, ...)
Install and update using pip:
pip install -U mzx
To run the cli command:
mzx --type mgf /path/to/data.mgf
This will convert the mgf data to mzml by default.
To run the gui:
Note: The gui is experimental
You can also call the command from the module itself:
python -m mzx.cli /path/to/data.raw
python -m mzx.gui
mzx utilizes proteowizard, and supports the following vendors: Agilent, Bruker, Sciex, Shimadzu, Thermo, and UIMF.
For more information, please see the proteowizard FAQ <>
- .mgf
- .mzML
- .raw (Thermo)
- .wiff (Sciex)
- Convert between various mass spectrometry file formats
- Supports vendor formats: Agilent, Bruker, Sciex, etc.
- CLI and experimental GUI for ease of use
Full documentation is available at
If you have uv installed, then you can a venv setup by running:
make setup
While making changes to mzx, you can install/uninstall it from your local
make install
make uninstall
make test