A Node.js library to read and parse EpicGame's / Unreal Engine's manifest
const { Manifest, ManifestInfo, ManifestOptions } = require('epic-manifest-parser');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const axios = require('axios');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
(async () => {
let res = await axios({ url: 'https://my.sslbypass.works/ff22f5b6.json' })
if (res.status !== 200) throw new Error(`Failed to grab manifest, status code: ${res.status}, ${res.data.toString()}`)
let options = new ManifestOptions({ cacheDirectory: path.join(process.env.USERPROFILE, 'Documents', 'FortniteChunks') })
let manifestInfo = new ManifestInfo(res.data)
console.log(`Grabbing manifest for ${manifestInfo.AppName} (${manifestInfo.BuildVersion})`);
let manifestData = await manifestInfo.downloadManifestData(options.cacheDirectory)
let manifest = new Manifest(manifestData, options)
console.log(`Grabbed manifest for ${manifest.BuildVersion} (${manifest.BuildId})\n`);
options.chunkBaseUri = 'http://epicgames-download1.akamaized.net/Builds/Fortnite/CloudDir/' + manifest.getChunkSubdir() + '/'
let files = manifest.FileManifestList.filter(f => f.Tags.includes('chunk0'))
let start = Date.now()
await Promise.all(files.map(async file => new Promise(resolve => {
let path = `./out/${file.Name.split('/').pop()}`
if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
let buf = fs.readFileSync(path)
let hash = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(buf).digest('hex')
if (hash === file.Hash.toString('hex')) {
console.log(`Skipping ${file.Name.split('/').pop()} because its already downloaded`);
return resolve()
else console.log(`Hash missmatch for ${file.Name.split('/').pop()}`);
fs.renameSync(path, path + '.temp')
let s = Date.now()
console.log(`Downloading ${file.Name.split('/').pop()} (${file.Size})`);
let stream = file.getStream()
let fstream = fs.createWriteStream(path + '.temp')
fstream.on('finish', _ => {
fs.renameSync(path + '.temp', path)
console.log(`Finished downloaded ${file.Name.split('/').pop()} in ${(Date.now() - s) / 1000} ms`);
console.log(`\nDownloaded ${files.length} files in ${(Date.now() - start) / 1000} ms`);
Maybe soon
This library is inspired by EpicManifestParser made by Officer and EpicManifestDownloader made by VastBlast