This is the code for, a NABU PC "Adaptor" emulator written in JavaScript. It runs in a browser and uses WebSerial to deliver software to the NABU, as long as your computer has a suitable RS-422 adapter.
Made by Christopher Masto using Preact and Robot. can connect to a WebSocket, e.g. for emulators or IP to serial bridges. To use native TCP sockets, you will need to run a local proxy server, such as websocat.
To start websocat
listening on WebSockets port 5818 and TCP port 5817, use
the following command:
websocat -v --binary -E ws-l: reuse-raw:autoreconnect:tcp-l:
Then select "Connect WebSocket" in and enter the URL
At this point, you can run MAME and connect to port 5817 for NABU serial emulation. How to do this depends on your MAME setup. This is what I use on my Mac:
mame nabupc -window -kbd nabu_hle -hcca null_modem -bitb socket.
It was also necessary to go into the MAME machine settings and configure the serial port to RX and TX baud rates of 115200, and 2 stop bits.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# test the production build locally
npm run serve
# run tests with jest and enzyme
npm run test