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Haplotype analysis and visualization

This repository features the analyses described in Detection of trait donors and QTL boundaries for early blight resistance using local ancestry inference in a library of genomic sequences for tomato (Anderson TA and Sudermann MA et al. 2023).

It happens in two phases:

  1. Generate haplotype cluster information from VCF file
  2. Perform comparisons and visualize the results of the cluster analysis

Code is written in R and Python3. The code was run on a Linux-based system.

This analysis method for the identification of homologous haplotypes is both simple and computationally efficient.

Sequences were windowed and stepped according to user specifications. Next, a hierarchical agglomerative clustering model is built using Ward distance. Sequences in a window are then clustered together into homologous haplotypes if their pairwise distance falls under a distance threshold. The program determines the distance threshold, d, by iterating through a user-specified range and identifying the value of d that maximizes the mean silhouette coefficient for all sequences, thus allowing the clustering algorithm to account for unequal information content across genomic windows. The code is built on Scikit-learn’s clustering module.


  • Generate chromosome-level VCFs that contain no missing data. This can be accomplished by imputing or by filtering
  • Navigate to the folder containing the python3 script "" and run the script using the parameters of your choosing (see example command below)
  • Running the script takes a command of the following usage and a total of 8 REQUIRED arguments
  • The following command assues that the repository has been cloned and user is working within HaplotypeAnalysis_Visualization directory
python3 ./Haplotype_analysis_scripts/ [vcf_file] [chromosome_basename] [window_size] [window_step_size] [min_snps_cutoff] [min d] [max d] [step d]
  • Argument 1: [vcf_file] Specify location of uncompressed chromosome level vcf file
  • Argument 2: [chromosome_basename] Specify output file basename (typically the chromosome number, i.e. ch09)
  • Argument 3: [window_size] Set window size to for iterating through the genome - MUST BE AN EVEN NUMBER
  • Argument 4: [window_step_size] Set step size for window iterations
  • Argument 5: [min_snps_cutoff] Set the minimum number of SNPs in each window, otherwise outputs NaN
  • Argument 6: [min d] Set the minimum distance threshold for merging clusters
  • Argument 7: [max d] Set the maximum distance threshold for merging clusters
  • Argument 8: [step d] Set the distance (d) step size

See the associated publication and supplementary methods for information on these parameters

The following python dependencies are required:


The following command can be run in the HaplotypeAnalysis_Visualization directory:

python3 ./Haplotype_analysis_scripts/ ./Example_files/SL4.0ch09_subset.vcf ch09 250000 100000 10 2 80 10

This example code sets the following parameters:

  • Argument 1: a chromosome 9 file [will need to change to your input vcf file]
  • Argument 2: an output filestem "ch09" [change to chromosome name you want as filestem]
  • Argument 3: a window size of 250 Kb [even integer]
  • Argument 4: a window step size of 100 Kb [even integer]
  • Argument 5: a minimum number of SNPs of 10 [integar]
  • Argument 6: a minimum d of 2 [even integer]
  • Argument 7: a maximum d of 80 [even integer]
  • Argument 8: a step size for d of 10 [integer]

You can modify the script "" in order to parallelize by chromosome and by windowing parameters. Each instance of uses a single thread, so scatter-gather parallelization will save you time in your analysis.


  • Perform interactive visualizations and analyses of the cluster data in RStudio using the visualize_haplotypes.Rmd script as a starting point.
  • Inside the Rmarkdown script are useful contrast and plotting functions that will get you started.
  • Download and view the visualize_haplotypes.html document for completed examples to gain insight into the possibilities of this analysis

Happy introgression hunting!


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