Tags: matago/TSPLIB.jl
## TSPLIB v0.1.1 [Diff since v0.1.0](v0.1.0...v0.1.1) **Closed issues:** - GEO instances should truncate values (#13) **Merged pull requests:** - Update README.md (#12) (@chkwon) - Closes #13: Truncate distances for GEO instances. (#14) (@rafaelmartinelli) - version up to v0.1.1 (#16) (@chkwon)
## TSPLIB v0.1.0 **Closed issues:** - Can this be registered? (#4) **Merged pull requests:** - Fitness functions (#1) (@matago) - Updated package for Julia 1.4.2 (#3) (@krislock) - using github actions (#5) (@chkwon) - delete Manifest.toml in the repository (#6) (@chkwon) - readme update (#7) (@chkwon) - compat versions (#8) (@chkwon)