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Notes from the Primeagen's VIM streams

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Vim Notes from the Primeagen

The Primeagen

Notes written in (neo)vim

Vim Movements P1 - Your First Moves

Don't use your arrow keys!

j, k,h, l: down, up, left, right

w, b: jump forward by word, jump backwards by word

f, t: jump to a letter, jump one before a letter

%: Go to respective parenthesis, brace, etc.

Ctrl-d, Ctrl-u: jump down half page, jump up half page

{, }: jump up a block, jump down by a block

V: highlight line and enter visual mode

P, p: paste up a line, paste down a line

U: Capitalize stuff that's highlighted

Ctrl-a, ctrl-x: Increment var, decrement var

o, O: Insert newline below current, insert newline above current line (both enter insert mode)

I, A: Enter insert mode at first character on a line, enter insert mode at last character in the current line

Add some nice remap to make things easier:

  • F5: Show undo tree

  • <leader>ps: (Project Search) searches for stuff using ripgrep (Make sure to install ripgrep on your system)

  • <leader>gd: Go to definition

  • <leader>gr: Go to references

VIM Movements P2: 5 moves to make you better ked

  • Use Ctrl-c or Ctrl-open bracket instead of Esc.
    Instead of using the CAPS LOCK key for Esc, you can use it for CTRL.

  • When using f and t, you can use , to go backwards and ; to go forwards to search for the same letter without repeating the same command

  • Use c instead of d to enter insert mode

  • You can use i and a in conjunction with c or d to remove whatever's inside {}, [], "", '', etc. E.g. ci" will delete everything within the following string: "Hello, world". ca" will delete everything inside the string as well as the "".

  • Marks allow jumping to points in a file: mJ will create a mark called J. 'J will jump to the mark. Note: Capital letter are marks that are unique across multiple files while lowercase letters are for local file marks.

  • Bonus remap allows you to move highlighted regions up or down:

vnoremap J :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap K :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv

Using Vim: Vim + Git - Fugitive (Haven't tried it yet looks interesting)

<leader>gs: Git Status

Use s to stage and u to unstage.

:Gcommit: Commits stuff

:Gpush: Pushes stuff

:Git merge <branchname>: Merge

Use dv on the file you want to resolve if you have merge conflicts.
The window on the left should be the current branch, the window on the right should be the one you just merged from, and the middle window is the resulting merge.

<leader>gf: Grab from the window on the left (Use 'gu' if using dvorak)

<leader>gj: Grab from the window on the right (Use 'gh' if using dvorak)

Ctrl-w and ctrl-O: save and close

Vimium: Intro to using keyboard in your browser

j and k: down and up

d, u: half-page down, half-page up (you don't need ctrl)

f: open link in current tab

H: go back

V: Visual mode highlight entire line

y: yank

Using Vim: My Vim Workflow - Solving a bug

First you want some plugins

  • Gruvbox: "The greatest colorscheme ever bestowed to mankind"
  • COC: For autocomplete
  • Fzf: File finding

gzf remap to make searching for files easier:

nnoremap <C-p> :Files<CR> 

Commands Used

Ctrl-p: Remap for :Files. Use it to search for a file. Works even for searching large codebases.

gd(normal mode): Jump to definition

Ctrl-^: Jumps to the last file you were in

Ctrl-o: Go back to last position

Ctrl-i: Go forward position (Opposite of Ctrl-o)

VIM: Coolest Vim Command (Gotta look into that as well)

Let's say you have a line of code:

const res = await fetch("http://localhost:8002", {

If you wanted to change the http://localhost:8002 string inside the quotes, you don't have to use f" to go to the quotes, you can just use ci". Vim automatically jumps to the nearest quote.

Vim "g" Command

g Ctrl-g: Shows you what line, column, word, and byte you're at and how far you're down the file

g8: Get ASCII Code of current character

g<: Get the output from the last command you executed

g&: Replay your last s command (substitution)

gJ: Combines the line below with the current line while keeping the spacing the same

gU motion: Uppercase stuff

gu motion: Lowercase stuff

gd: Jump to definition in the file (or function?)

gf: Jumps to a file

gF: Jump to a line in a file

gq: Automatically align text to 80 characters

gQ: Enter Ex mode

8g_: Jumps down 7 lines and puts you at the end of that line

g\$: In wrap mode go to the end of the "line"

g??: Rot13 on a line

gg: To Top

G: Bottom

gv: Rehighlight what you previously highlighted

gi: Go back to your previous insert spot

'<,'>g/Styled/d: Delete all lines with "Styled"

'<,'>g/Styled/norm! diw: Execute diw on every line with "Styled"

:help g: A bunch more g commands

help :g: All the fun searching g commands

Spell checking in vim

:set spell!: highlights all the poorly spelled word in the current buffer ]s: to move to the next spelling mistake z=: gives spelling suggestions for the current word under the cursor


Notes from the Primeagen's VIM streams






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