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A constexpr type safe replacement of <cctype> for c++20

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A single header c++ library that provides a constexpr type safe replacement of <cctype>, a set of predicates valid for codepoints less than 0x80.

basic example (godbolt)

#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
static_assert( ascii::is_alnum('a') );
static_assert( not ascii::is_digit(U'β›΅') );
static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('3') == 3 );
static_assert( ascii::to_lower('A') == 'a' );


All the predicates can be called with either char, unsigned char, or char32_t. What about the others? char8_t and char16_t are codeunits, it doesn't make sense to apply a predicate to them, must be combined to form a char32_t codepoint. Regarding wchar_t, leave it in the dark ages where belongs.


Since this library is decontaminated from locales or codepages, the compatibility with <cctype> is ensured just for pure ASCII characters.


Generally expect a false result for codepoints >= 0x80.

Standard predicates

ascii::is_lower() aka std::islower()
ascii::is_upper() aka std::isupper()
ascii::is_space() aka std::isspace()
ascii::is_alpha() aka std::isalpha()
ascii::is_alnum() aka std::isalnum()
ascii::is_digit() aka std::isdigit()
ascii::is_xdigi() aka std::isxdigit()
ascii::is_punct() aka std::ispunct()
ascii::is_cntrl() aka std::iscntrl()
ascii::is_graph() aka std::isgraph()
ascii::is_print() aka std::isprint()

Non-standard predicates

ascii::is_blank() aka std::isspace() and !='\n'
ascii::is_ident() aka std::isalnum() or =='_'
ascii::is_float() aka std::digit() or any of "+-.Ee"
ascii::is_space_or_punct() aka std::isspace() or std::ispunct()
ascii::is_endline() aka =='\n'


is_blank() is redefined to include all spaces except \n to ease the detection of any spaces in the current line. I find that treating \r as a generic formatting space is a good tradeoff to deal with the various end-of-line conventions.

Helper predicates

Not strictly related to ASCII, provided for convenience (see std::predicate in examples below).

ascii::is_always_false() always false
ascii::is<C>() equality to a single codepoint
ascii::is_any_of<C,...>() contained in a set of codepoints
ascii::is_none_of<C,...>() not contained in a set of codepoints

Composite predicates

A non exhaustive collection of examples of how basic and helper predicates can be combined together.


Case conversion

ascii::to_lower(const char c)
ascii::to_upper(const char c)


Case conversion is included for completeness but since gives meaningful results just for codepoints less than 0x80, it has little practical value. To avoid abuse is provided just the char overload. If you need to check and convert codepoints case, use a unicode library.

Number conversion

As convenience for number literal parsing there's a function value_of_digit(ch) that returns the numeric value associated to the is_xdigi()/is_digit() character.


The returned type is std::uint8_t, the easiest to promote to other integral types.

static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('4') == 4 );
static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('b') == 0xB );
static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('z') == 0 );


This library uses concepts, so you need a c++20 compliant compiler indicating at least -std=c++20 (/std:c++20 in case of msvc).


Run unit tests directly in godbolt or:

$ git clone
$ cd ascii_predicates
$ curl -O
$ g++ -std=c++20 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -o test test.cpp && ./test


On windows:

$ cl /std:c++latest /permissive- /utf-8 /W4 /WX /EHsc test.cpp


simple (godbolt)

#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*

void query_char(const char ch)
    const bool alnum = ascii::is_alnum(ch);
    const bool space = ascii::is_space(ch);
    const bool l = ascii::is<'l'>(ch);
    const bool l_or_o = ascii::is_any_of<'l','o'>(ch);
    const bool some_punct = ascii::is_punct_and_none_of<'#','&'>(ch);

overloads (godbolt)

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
using namespace std::literals; // "..."sv
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*

int main()
    for( const char ch : "hello, @@"sv )
        std::cout << ascii::is_alnum_or_any_of<' '>(ch) << ch << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';

    for( const char32_t cp : U"hello, βœοΈπŸ—’οΈ"sv )
        std::cout << ascii::is_alnum_or_any_of<U' '>(cp) << to_utf8(cp) << ' ';

simple loop (godbolt)

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
using namespace std::literals; // "..."sv
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*

int main()
    const auto csv = U"😊, πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡; πŸ˜‚... 🀣"sv;
    std::size_t i = 0;
    while( i<csv.size() )
        if( ascii::is_punct(csv[i]) ) ++i;
        else if( ascii::is_space(csv[i]) ) ++i;
            std::cout << ' ' << i << ':' << to_utf8(csv[i]);

std algorithm (godbolt)

#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string_view>
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*

int main()
    std::string_view str = "123 12a 456 d34";

    auto tokens = str | std::views::split(' ')
                      | std::views::transform([](auto range){ return std::string_view(&*range.begin(), std::ranges::distance(range));})
                      | std::views::filter( [](auto s){ return !s.empty(); });
    for(auto token : tokens)
        if( std::ranges::all_of(token, [](const char c){ return ascii::is_digit(c); }) )
            std::cout << "digits: " << token << '\n';

predicates lexer (godbolt)

#include <iostream>
#include <concepts> // std::predicate
#include <string_view>
using namespace std::literals; // "..."sv
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*

class SimpleLexer
    const std::string_view input;
    std::size_t i = 0;

    constexpr explicit SimpleLexer(const std::string_view buf) noexcept
      : input(buf)

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr std::size_t pos() const noexcept { return i; }
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool got_data() const noexcept { return i<input.size(); }
    [[maybe_unused]] constexpr bool get_next() noexcept
        if( i<input.size() ) [[likely]]
            return ++i<input.size();
        return false; // 'i' points to one past next

    template<std::predicate<const char> CharPredicate =decltype(ascii::is_always_false<char>)>
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool got(CharPredicate is) const noexcept { return i<input.size() and is(input[i]); }

    template<std::predicate<const char> CharPredicate =decltype(ascii::is_always_false<char>)>
    constexpr void skip_while(CharPredicate is) noexcept
       { while( got(is) and get_next() ); }

    template<std::predicate<const char> CharPredicate =decltype(ascii::is_always_false<char>)>
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view get_while(CharPredicate is) noexcept
        const std::size_t i_start = pos();
        while( got(is) and get_next() );
        return {, pos()-i_start};

int main()
    SimpleLexer lexer(" len = 23 "sv);
    lexer.skip_while( ascii::is_space );
    const std::string_view var_nam = lexer.get_while(ascii::is_alnum);
    lexer.skip_while( ascii::is_space );
    if( ascii::is<'='>) ) lexer.get_next();
    lexer.skip_while( ascii::is_space );
    const std::string_view var_val = lexer.get_while(ascii::is_digit);
    std::cout << var_nam << ' ' << var_val << '\n';

number literals parser (godbolt)

#include <iostream>
#include <format>
#include <string_view>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <concepts>
#include <limits>
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*

class SimpleParser
    const std::string_view input;
    std::size_t i = 0;

    constexpr explicit SimpleParser(const std::string_view buf) noexcept
      : input(buf)

    [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool got_digit() const noexcept { return i<input.size() and ascii::is_digit(input[i]); }
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr char curr_codepoint() const noexcept { return i<input.size() ? input[i] : '\0'; }
    [[maybe_unused]] constexpr bool get_next() noexcept
        if( i<input.size() ) [[likely]]
            return ++i<input.size();
        return false;

    template<std::unsigned_integral Uint>
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr Uint extract_index()
        if( not got_digit() )
            throw std::runtime_error( std::format("Invalid char '{}' in number literal", curr_codepoint()) );
        Uint result = ascii::value_of_digit(curr_codepoint());
        constexpr Uint base = 10u;
        constexpr Uint overflow_limit = ((std::numeric_limits<Uint>::max() - (base - 1u)) / (base)) - 1u;
        while( get_next() and got_digit() )
            if( result>overflow_limit )
                throw std::runtime_error( std::format("Integer literal overflow ({}x{} would exceed {})", result, base, std::numeric_limits<Uint>::max()) );
            result = (base*result) + ascii::value_of_digit(curr_codepoint());
        return result;

int main()
    SimpleParser parser("32759");
    std::cout << parser.extract_index<unsigned int>() << '\n';



The standard <cctype> behavior

ASCII Characters is cntrl is print is graph is space is blank is punct is alnum is alpha is upper is lower is digit is xdigit
0 Γ· 8 control codes (NUL, …) β–£
9 tab (\t) β–£ β–£ β–£
10 Γ· 13 whitespaces (\n,\v,\f,\r) β–£ β–£
14 Γ· 31 control codes (SO, …) β–£
32 space (' ') β–£ β–£ β–£
33 Γ· 47 !\"#$%&' ()*+,-./ β–£ β–£ β–£
48 Γ· 57 0123456789 β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£
58 Γ· 64 :;<=>?@ β–£ β–£ β–£
65 Γ· 70 ABCDEF β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£
71 Γ· 90 GHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£
91 Γ· 96 [\\]^_` β–£ β–£ β–£
97 Γ· 102 abcdef β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£
103 Γ· 122 ghijklmnopq rstuvwxyz β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£ β–£
123 Γ· 126 {|}~ β–£ β–£ β–£
127 backspace (DEL) β–£