This is the Client Side of my interview application in Smarkio.
Basically, a web page made with Ajax concepts that consists of using the API that I maded (available below).
Server-Side available: Here
- Bootstrap - A popular HTML, CSS, and JS library
- Sass - A CSS pre-processor
- HTML5 - Mark Down Lang
- JavaScript - The Best code Lang
- WebPack - A JavaScript Module Bundler
- Babel - A JavaScript Transcompiler
I am assuming that you have already started the server side
- Clone this repo with:
$ git clone
- Move yourself to the appropriate directory:
$ cd smarkio-case-client
- Run
$ npm install
to download dependencies - Run
$ npm run build
to gen bundle files - Run
$ npm run start
to initialize
Now you have a local server (probably) in port 8080
Enjoy =)