Flat Simon is a simple, in terms of design and working logic, game of colors, sounds and memory.
It is using CoinHive automatically, so, the app mine monero with your cpu while you are playing, so much better than some boring ads filling up your screen!
I'm working slowly at this project, so here comes a little big TODO list:
- Refactor and review code ✔️
- Remove sound bugs ✔️
- Finish and improve translation (maybe add some translation api)
- Fix share button on desktop
- Fix info button
- Add scoreboard functionality
- Local Scoreboard with localStorage
- Global Scoreboard with Firebase
- Add scoreboard button
- Recompile Android App
- Create Electron Desktop Application
- Create Versus Mode
- Comunicate between players
- Show their progress
- Show two screens side to side
- Get better styling on toasts
- Give player chance to choose game mode
- Arcade mode
- Infinite mode
- Increase dificulty based on score ✔️ (continue implementation after scoreboard)
- Block attempts with chrome console open
- Configuration screen to set miner