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Add Date64Array tests.
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Co-authored-by: Sarah Gilmore <[email protected]>
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kevingurney and sgilmore10 committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent a33da54 commit 012e9b6
Showing 1 changed file with 308 additions and 0 deletions.
308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions matlab/test/arrow/array/tDate64Array.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
%TDATE64ARRAY Unit tests for arrow.array.Date64Array

% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
% contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
% this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
% The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
% 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
% implied. See the License for the specific language governing
% permissions and limitations under the License.

classdef tDate64Array < matlab.unittest.TestCase

ArrowArrayConstructorFcn = @arrow.array.Date64Array.fromMATLAB

properties (Constant)
UnixEpoch = datetime(0, ConvertFrom="posixtime");
MissingDates = [datetime(2023, 1, 1), NaT, NaT, datetime(2022, 1, 1), NaT];

methods (Test)

function TestBasic(testCase)
dates = testCase.UnixEpoch + days(1:10);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyInstanceOf(array, "arrow.array.Date64Array");

function TestTypeIsDate64(testCase)
dates = testCase.UnixEpoch + days(1:10);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);

function TestLength(testCase)
dates = datetime.empty(0, 1);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Length, int64(0));

dates = datetime(2023, 1, 1);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Length, int64(1));

dates = testCase.UnixEpoch + days(1:10);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Length, int64(10));

function TestToMATLAB(testCase)
% Verify toMATLAB() round-trips the original datetime array.
dates = testCase.UnixEpoch + days(1:10);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
values = toMATLAB(array);
testCase.verifyEqual(values, dates');

function TestDatetime(testCase)
% Verify datetime() round-trips the original datetime array.
dates = testCase.UnixEpoch + days(1:10);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
values = datetime(array);
testCase.verifyEqual(values, dates');

function TestValid(testCase)
% Verify the Valid property returns the expected logical vector.
dates = testCase.MissingDates;
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Valid, [true; false; false; true; false]);
testCase.verifyEqual(toMATLAB(array), dates');
testCase.verifyEqual(datetime(array), dates');

function TestInferNullsTrueNVPair(testCase)
% Verify arrow.array.Date64Array.fromMATLAB() behaves as
% expected when InferNulls=true is provided.
dates = testCase.MissingDates;
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates, InferNulls=true);
expectedValid = [true; false; false; true; false];
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Valid, expectedValid);
testCase.verifyEqual(toMATLAB(array), dates');
testCase.verifyEqual(datetime(array), dates');

function TestInferNullsFalseNVPair(testCase)
% Verify arrow.array.Date64Array.fromMATLAB() behaves as
% expected when InferNulls=false is provided.
dates = testCase.MissingDates;
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates, InferNulls=false);
expectedValid = [true; true; true; true; true];
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Valid, expectedValid);

% If NaT datetimes were not considered null values, then they
% are treated like int64(0) - i.e. the Unix epoch.
expectedDates = dates';
expectedDates([2, 3, 5]) = testCase.UnixEpoch;
testCase.verifyEqual(toMATLAB(array), expectedDates);
testCase.verifyEqual(datetime(array), expectedDates);

function TestValidNVPair(testCase)
% Verify arrow.array.Date64Array.fromMATLAB() accepts the Valid
% nv-pair, and it behaves as expected.
dates = testCase.MissingDates;

% Supply the Valid name-value pair as vector of indices.
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates, Valid=[1, 2, 3]);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Valid, [true; true; true; false; false]);
expectedDates = dates';
expectedDates([2, 3]) = testCase.UnixEpoch;
expectedDates([4, 5]) = NaT;
testCase.verifyEqual(toMATLAB(array), expectedDates);

% Supply the Valid name-value pair as a logical scalar.
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates, Valid=false);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Valid, [false; false; false; false; false]);
expectedDates(:) = NaT;
testCase.verifyEqual(toMATLAB(array), expectedDates);

function TestEmptyDatetimeVector(testCase)
% Verify arrow.array.Date64Array.fromMATLAB() accepts any
% empty-shaped datetime as input.

dates = datetime.empty(0, 0);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Length, int64(0));
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Valid, logical.empty(0, 1));
testCase.verifyEqual(toMATLAB(array), datetime.empty(0, 1));

% Test with an N-Dimensional empty array
dates = datetime.empty(0, 1, 0);
array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Length, int64(0));
testCase.verifyEqual(array.Valid, logical.empty(0, 1));
testCase.verifyEqual(toMATLAB(array), datetime.empty(0, 1));

function TestErrorIfNonVector(testCase)
% Verify arrow.array.Date64Array.fromMATLAB() throws an error
% if the input provided is not a vector.

dates = datetime(2023, 1, 1) + days(1:12);
dates = reshape(dates, 2, 6);
fcn = @() testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyError(fcn, "arrow:array:InvalidShape");

dates = reshape(dates, 3, 2, 2);
fcn = @() testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyError(fcn, "arrow:array:InvalidShape");

function TestErrorIfNonDatetime(testCase)
% Verify arrow.array.Date64Array.fromMATLAB() throws an error
% if not given a datetime as input.

dates = duration(1, 2, 3);
fcn = @() testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates);
testCase.verifyError(fcn, "arrow:array:InvalidType");

numbers = [1; 2; 3; 4];
fcn = @() testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(numbers);
testCase.verifyError(fcn, "arrow:array:InvalidType");

function TestInt64MaxMilliseconds(testCase)
% Verify that no precision is lost when trying to round-trip a
% datetime value that is within abs(intmin("int64")) milliseconds before
% and intmax("int64") days after the UNIX epoch.

ticksPerSecond = 1e3;

numMillisecondsBefore = intmin("int64");
numMillisecondsAfter = intmax("int64");

expectedBefore = datetime(numMillisecondsBefore, ConvertFrom="epochtime", ...
Epoch=testCase.UnixEpoch, TicksPerSecond=ticksPerSecond);
expectedAfter = datetime(numMillisecondsAfter, ConvertFrom="epochtime", ...
Epoch=testCase.UnixEpoch, TicksPerSecond=ticksPerSecond);

array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(expectedBefore);
actualBefore = array.toMATLAB();
testCase.verifyEqual(actualBefore, expectedBefore);

array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(expectedAfter);
actualAfter = array.toMATLAB();
testCase.verifyEqual(actualAfter, expectedAfter);

function TestZonedDatetime(testCase)
% Verify that zoned datetimes are supported as inputs to the
% fromMATLAB method and that the output datetime returned by
% the toMATLAB method is unzoned.
zoned = testCase.UnixEpoch + days(10);
zoned.TimeZone = "America/New_York";

expected = zoned;
expected.TimeZone = "UTC";
expected.TimeZone = char.empty(0, 0);

array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(zoned);
actual = array.toMATLAB();
testCase.verifyEqual(actual, expected);

function TestInt64MaxMillisecondsZoned(testCase)
% Verify that zoned datetimes which are within abs(intmin("int64")) days
% before and intmax("int64") days after the UNIX epoch are round-tripped
% (not including the TimeZone).

ticksPerSecond = 1e3;

numMillisecondsBefore = intmin("int64");
numMillisecondsAfter = intmax("int64");

expectedBefore = datetime(numMillisecondsBefore, ConvertFrom="epochtime", ...
Epoch=testCase.UnixEpoch, TicksPerSecond=ticksPerSecond);
expectedAfter = datetime(numMillisecondsAfter, ConvertFrom="epochtime", ...
Epoch=testCase.UnixEpoch, TicksPerSecond=ticksPerSecond);

expectedZonedBefore = expectedBefore;
expectedZonedBefore.TimeZone = "UTC";

expectedZonedAfter = expectedAfter;
expectedZonedAfter.TimeZone = "UTC";

array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(expectedZonedBefore);
actualBefore = array.toMATLAB();
testCase.verifyEqual(actualBefore, expectedBefore);

array = testCase.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(expectedZonedAfter);
actualAfter = array.toMATLAB();
testCase.verifyEqual(actualAfter, expectedAfter);

function TestIsEqualTrue(tc)
% Verifies arrays are considered equal if:
% 1. Their Type properties are equal
% 2. They have the same length (i.e. their Length properties are equal)
% 3. They have the same validity bitmap (i.e. their Valid properties are equal)
% 4. All corresponding valid elements have the same values

dates1 = datetime(2023, 6, 22) + days(0:4);
dates2 = datetime(2023, 6, 22) + days([0 1 5 3 4]);

array1 = tc.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates1, Valid=[1 2 4]);
array2 = tc.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates1, Valid=[1 2 4]);
array3 = tc.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates2, Valid=[1 2 4]);

tc.verifyTrue(isequal(array1, array2));
tc.verifyTrue(isequal(array1, array3));

% Test supplying more than two arrays to isequal
tc.verifyTrue(isequal(array1, array2, array3));

function TestIsEqualFalse(tc)
% Verify isequal returns false when expected.
dates1 = datetime(2023, 6, 22) + days(0:4);
dates2 = datetime(2023, 6, 22) + days([1 1 2 3 4]);
dates3 = datetime(2023, 6, 22) + days(0:5);
array1 = tc.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates1, Valid=[1 2 4]);
array2 = tc.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates1, Valid=[1 4]);
array3 = tc.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates2, Valid=[1 2 4]);
array4 = arrow.array([true false true false]);
array5 = tc.ArrowArrayConstructorFcn(dates3, Valid=[1 2 4]);

% Their validity bitmaps are not equal
tc.verifyFalse(isequal(array1, array2));

% Not all corresponding valid elements are equal
tc.verifyFalse(isequal(array1, array3));

% Their Type properties are not equal
tc.verifyFalse(isequal(array1, array4));

% Their Length properties are not equal
tc.verifyFalse(isequal(array1, array5));

% Comparing an arrow.array.Array to a MATLAB double
tc.verifyFalse(isequal(array1, 1));

% Test supplying more than two arrays to isequal
tc.verifyFalse(isequal(array1, array1, array3, array4, array5));



function verifyDate64Type(testCase, actual)
testCase.verifyInstanceOf(actual, "arrow.type.Date64Type");
testCase.verifyEqual(actual.ID, arrow.type.ID.Date64);
testCase.verifyEqual(actual.DateUnit, arrow.type.DateUnit.Millisecond);



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