Implementation of client-server matrix API in haxe using akifox-asynchttp. Because of it, tecnically only works on CPP/NEKO/JAVA/FLASH and not in JAVASCRIPT because JAVASCRIPT only support POST and Get Methods. But, is only tested on neko platform, if you test in other, let me know.
import beartek.matrix_im.client.Conection;
Login in:
var con = new Conection(server);
con.on_error = function( e : Dynamic ) : Void {
throw 'Error: ' + e;
con.session.login_with_pass(user, password, device_name, function( respose : Dynamic ) : Void {
trace(respose.access_token); //The access_token will be actumaticaly stored for future request until you logout.
Log out:
con.session.logout(function() : Void {
//Loged out
For more examples see the Test_client
class in test/beartek/matrix_im/client and for more info see Matrix Client-Server API docs (This library does not implement the API equal than described in the matrix docs).
- Implement some modules: Push Notifications, End-to-End Encryption, Send-to-Device messaging, Server Side Search, Event Context and CAS-based client login.
- Add documetation to the class, types and functions.
- Make better README.
by NetaLabTek