pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
(my execution policy is restricted to not let scripts run) set execution policy to unrestricted to run the activation script - then change back afterwards)
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy Default
now you have a virtual env and need to install dependencies
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
go to random_encounters_tool directory
pip install --editable .\
run from same directory
will now output a single random encounter
example output:
(venv) PS .\random_encounters_tool> dmtools
A small army of orc mercenaries is camped outside of town. They're working for the local ruler, but if they don't see battle soon they may get bored and start pillaging the countryside in search of something to do.
(anyone in my campaigns please stay out of the data!)
This is meant to be a silly tool for me to play around with and continually add features too.
Feel free to either create an issue with your feature request or fork the repository and PR back to it.