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Strong, fast, simple, non-cryptography hash function 32 bit


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Strong, fast, simple, non-cryptography hash function

public static int mzHash32(final byte[] data, int start, int length, int seed) {
	int hash = 0x95DE1432 ^ seed;
	for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		hash = (0xA8657C5B * (i + data[start + i])) ^ (hash << 2) ^ (hash >>> 2);
	return hash;

Uniform distribution of hash values (diffusion)

It has an absolutely uniform, chaotic distribution of hash values independent of the number, length and type of input values.
It also has a good Avalanche Effect property: even a minimal differences (1 bit) of input values produces very different hash values.

java.lang.String.hashCode(): suboptimal dispersion

Alt Text
Hash funtion: java.lang.String.hashCode()
Source file: words_en.txt
Distinct words: 65503
Collisions: 118 (expected 0.4994)
Monte Carlo Pi: 3.251076 (error 3.48%)

mzHash32(): optimal dispersion

Alt Text
Hash funtion: mzHash32()
Source file: words_en.txt
Distinct words: 65503
Collisions: 0 (expected 0.4994)
Monte Carlo Pi: 3.142346 (error 0.02%)

Minimum number of collisions

mzHash32 produces a very low number of collisions for each reasonably large number of distinct values; it is close to the collisions number of a Universal Hash Function.
The number is given by the formula n-m*(1-((m-1)/m)^n) where n is the number of input values, m is the number of all possible hash values (2^32 or 2^64).

Number of collisions for string inputs

Data input #Vaues #Expected Collisions mzHash Murmur3 XX
File words_en.txt 65,503 0 0 0 0
File words_es.txt 74,571 1 0 2 0
File words_latin.txt 80,007 1 1 1 1
File words_it.txt 117,558 2 0 0 2
File words_en_es_it_latin.txt 315,198 12 9 9 9
File words_and_numbers.txt 429,187 21 17 20 19
File first_million_primes.txt 1,000,000 116 109 118 85
File random_64_signed_nums.txt 1,000,000 116 105 110 143
Numbers in english from "zero" to "nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine" 10,000,000 11,633 11,735 11,672 11,474
File rockyou.txt dictionary of common passwords 14,344,391 23,927 23,908 24,206 23,895
Numbers in english from "five hundred thirty-nine billion three hundred twenty million seven hundred one thousand four hundred eighty-three" to "five hundred thirty-nine billion four hundred twenty million seven hundred one thousand four hundred eighty-two" 100,000,000 1,155,171 1,152,258 1,155,029 1,154,135
Number as strings from
"1234567890123456789" to "1234567890223456788"
100,000,000 1,155,171 1,154,640 1,155,789 808,693
Strings from
123456789hijklmn" to "abcdefg1234567890
100,000,000 1,155,171 1,125,889 1,152,600 1,037,151
Numbers as strings from "0" to "999999999" 1,000,000,000 107,882,641 107,105,249 107,822,463 110,287,893
Numbers as strings from "aaaa0aaaa" to "aaaa1999999999aaaa" 2,000,000,000 401,068,994 400,972,197 401,043,716 391,119,332
Hex numbers as string from "0" to "7FFFFFFE" 2,147,483,647 457,545,699 457,447,653 457,465,265 460,825,702

Number of collisions for binary inputs

Data input #Vaues #Expected Collisions mzHash Murmur3 XX
Binary 32 bytes random 100,000 1 1 0 2
Binary 40 bytes [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] b from FF676980 to FFFFFFFF 10,000,000 11,633 11,295 11,695 11,846
Binary 24 bytes [b,b,b,b,b,b], b from 00000000 to 05F5E0FF 100,000,000 1,155,171 1,155,140 1,154,653 1,411,483
Binary 24 bytes [b,b*3,b*5,b*7,b*11,b*13], b from 00000000 to 05F5E0FF 100,000,000 1,155,171 1,154,633 1,154,542 1,160,003
Binary 24 bytes [b,b,b,b,b,b], b from 00000000 to 05F5E0FF 1,000,000,000 107,882,641 107,908,082 107,880,319 113,834,210


Alt Text


MzHash32, like most non-cryptographic functions, is non-secure because it is not specifically designed to be difficult to reverse by an adversary, making it unsuitable for cryptographic purposes. Its use is instead recommended in all other contexts where hash functions are used.
Like other non-cryptographic functions, its security depends on the secrecy of the possibly used seed.


It is minimalist, elegant, straightforward and can be easily written in virtually any programming language. It produces the same result with x86 and x64 (or different) platforms. Currently C and Java versions are available.


MzHash32 demonstrates to have an excellet quality of the dispersion, close to an ideal Universal Hash Function. It is simple, portable and produces same results in all platform (x86 and x64). On the other hand it is slower than XX and Murmur3. If the goal is the quality of the dispersion and have the same result on x86 and x64 platforms, mzHash32 is certainly the function to choose!