Supported Mattermost Server Versions: 5.14+
- 9a01b42 update dialog-confirm screenshot to reflect boolean value (#56)
- 2c7d11d MM-14273: demo boolean selector (#53)
- b592ca6 MM-17438: attach file to post (#51)
- 225889d MM-15340: dialog without trigger id (#52)
- f8ed60d MM-15694: Illustrate plugin.DismissPostError (#50)
- 76136c0 MM-10982 Extend "/dialog" command to generate interactive dialog with relative callback URL (#49)
- 9bf345f added ephemeral_override command (#40)
- d27ced5 Add Interactive Dialogs example (#28)
- 4ff56ec Allow posts from demo bot account in demo channel (#38)
- 2d82613 [MM-10017] Added support to override right-hand sidebar (#31)