I am Matthew McCall, a highly motivated computer science and computer systems engineering dual major who led multiple teams, contributes to the community, and is passionate for embedded development and robotics.
- Oasis: https://oasis.mmccall.dev
- superround: https://docs.mmccall.dev/superround
- Website: https://mmccall.dev
- LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/96d9
- Instagram: @__mmccall
- Twitter: @__mmccall
- Twitch: mmapptv
- YouTube: @__mmccall
- Preferred programming langauge: C++
- Favorite games: Minecraft and Tetris
- The '96d9' in my LinkedIn link is the first 4 letters of the SHA-1 checksum of my name:
echo Matthew McCall | shasum
. - FRC 5599 BNCHS Sentinels