This component, based on the Symfony serializer and async-aws, is a human-readable and quick abstraction to easily store serialized objects in DynamoDB π.
This storage use an existing DynamoDB table and create entries with
the following structure :
{"key", "namespace", "value", "class", "date""}
composer require matthieuwerner/dynamodb-storable
use Storable\Storage;
protected function anyAction(Storage $storage): string
$storage->set('key', 'value');
// ...
use Storable\Storage;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ObjectNormalizer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer;
protected function anyAction(): string
$encoders = [new JsonEncoder()];
$normalizers = [new ObjectNormalizer()];
$storage = new Storage($dynamoDbClientMock, new Serializer($normalizers, $encoders));
$storage->set('key', 'value');
// ...
// String
$storage->set('key', 'value');
// Object
$myObject = new MyObject();
/!\ Working with objects need that they implement "StorableInterface"
// String
$storage->get('key'); // Return a string
// Object
$storage->get($objectId); // Return an object
// Get all objects in a namespace
// Remove all objects in a namespace
// Change the default table name (default is "storage")
// Change the default namespace (default is "main")
// Change the default attribute "key" in the table structure
// Change the default attribute "namespace" in the table structure
// Change the default attribute "value" in the table structure
// Change the default attribute "class" in the table structure
// Change the default attribute "date" in the table structure