A basic Pong game, written for Linux Format 300.
In this repo, there are two files:
- tutorial.py
- pong.py
This file contains a partially completed game and is what is discussed in the magazine article
- Control the left paddle with the "a" and "z" keys
This file contains a more complete version of a Pong game.
- Control the left paddle with the "a" and "z" keys - these keys only respond to key pressed
- Control the left paddle with the "s" and "x" keys - these keys respond for as long as the key is held down
- Control the right paddle with the "k" and "m" keys - these keys only respond to key pressed
- Control the right paddle with the "j" and "n" keys - these keys respond for as long as the key is held down
- Control the speed of the paddle for both players using the up and down arrows
- Quit the game by closing the window or using the escape key
- Allow the window to be resized and everything scales as expected
- Allow the speed of each paddle to be controlled individually
- Tweak the calculations of the collisions with the paddle as sometimes the ball and paddle can overlap