Distributed job scheduler, utilizing amqp.
This is a quick version of the service described in my medium post. It's a simplistic scheduling system that guarantees single delivery for distributed jobs.
This service now supports HA via a simple leader election using a queue to create a semaphore - the implementation may change if network blips expose bigger issues.
./mvnw clean package # or just ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
java -jar target/ticktock.jar
Heroku dyno's go to sleep, unless called, after 30 minutes. You could easily have a worker based on this that auto-pings it:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import asyncio
import aioamqp
async def main(loop=None):
if loop is None:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
transport, protocol = await aioamqp.connect()
channel = await protocol.channel()
work_q = (await channel.queue_declare(queue_name='ping_my_heroku_app'))['queue']
await channel.queue_bind(work_q, 'cron.schedule', routing_key='cron.minute.15')
async def job(chan, body, envelope, properties):
print('Pinging Heroku')
# Do some check that you are within your hours...
async with ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('https://my-heroku-app.com/health') as r:
await channel.basic_consume(job, queue_name=work_q)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Or the Java (Spring Boot) version, this is fairly ugly (no abstraction, yet):
public class MyWorker {
@RabbitListener(bindings =
@QueueBinding(value =
@Queue(value = "${spring.application.name}.worker.my_job",
durable = "false",
// ensure that the message expires in some reasonable period,
// a safe number is 1/2 the time between events
arguments = {
@Argument(name = "x-message-ttl",
value = "150000",
type = "java.lang.Integer")
// The exchange name is defined by TickTock's properties
exchange = @Exchange(value = "my.scheduler",
ignoreDeclarationExceptions = "true",
type = ExchangeTypes.TOPIC,
durable = "true"),
key = "cron.minute.1")
public void myJob(@Header("timestamp") Date timestamp) {
// Only one instance will receive the event and run it!