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A minimal project template to create TypeScript React Web Applications using NodeJS and Visual Studio Code.

The primary intention of this project / repository is NOT to be a template project - that is just a side benefit. Rather, in documentation.pdf, I walk you through how to build a React Web Application in TypeScript, that is integrated with Visual Studio Code debugging and unit testing capabilities, and runs on both Linux (amd64 & arm64) and Windows. In that sense, this is a tutorial to unravel some of the mysetery of what create-react-app does.

I hope you work through the exercise, and learn the inner workings of how things are set up. And I hope doing this gives you a deeper understanding of React!


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Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2022 Varghese Mathew (Matt)

Distributed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3

See ~/license.txt for details

Basically, I don't care what you do with this. However I assume no liability for any insufficiencies, inaccuracies etc. You use this at your own risk. I am here merely to further the cause of knowledge. I will appreciate (but not mandate) acknowledgement in derivative productions.


For more details, see ~/documentation.pdf

Downloading code

git clone

Open the resulting minimal-typescript-react-template folder in Visual Studio Code

To run development server

In Visual Studio Code (VSCode) > Terminal > Run Task > npm: start

This will pull node_modules and do necessary compilation and start development server. It will also open your default browser and navigate to the App

Be sure once you’re done to use CTRL+C in the VSCode terminal to exit out of the development server.

To debug with VSCode

You have to be running development server to debug using VSCode. Follow steps above. Then,

Open App.tsx, and put a breakpoint inside the App function, or wherever you desire.

In VSCode, on the left margin, Click the tab/button for “Run and Debug (CTRL+SHIFT+D)”

On the top, just below the menu bar, select from the drop down for "Launch Chrome against localhost" and click the green arrow button.

Google Chrome will launch to the App URL, and your breakpoint will hit. When you click continue for your breakpoint, the App loads inside Chrome.

As called out, be sure to close the development server using CTRL+C in the VSCode terminal

Other browsers for debugging

Chromium browser has been added for support for raspberry pi where neither chrome nor edge are available. You must have chromium-browser installed to use this

sudo apt install chromium-browser

Microsoft Edge has also been added, because why not?

Unit Test debugging

In VSCode, set whatever breakpoints in your .test.tsx files as desired. Then, on the left margin, click the tab/button for "Run and Debug (CTRL+SHIFT+D)". On the top, just below the menu bar, select from the drop down for "Run tests using Jest" and click the green arrow button.

To Build and Run production

Do VSCode > Terminal menu > Run Build Task, or VSCode > Terminal Menu > Run Task > npm: build. This builds the code into ~/dist folder.

Then, to run the production server, do VSCode > Terminal Menu > Run Task > npm: serve

On newer windows versions, this might give you an error related to execution policy. If so, run this command in the terminal before serving

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Clean Everything

To delete the node_modules folder, dist folder etc. and thereby do a cleanup of build, VSCode > Terminal menu > Run Task > npm: clean

You do not need to clean everything before every build / start / change etc. This option is there for when you need to package up files / clear dependencies and build etc.

Using without Visual Studio Code

Even though this project template is developed with the perspective of using with Visual Studio Code, you can still use it without VSCode. Do the following steps

  • Download code. Then do the below commands from the root folder.
  • Do npm run start, or npm start, to run the development server
  • Do npm run build to build production
  • Do npm run serve to serve production locally
  • Do npm test, or npm run test to run unit tests
  • Do npm run clean to clean up everything

To disconnect from GitHub repository

Delete the .git folder and the .gitignore file in the root directory



A minimal template for a React web application using TypeScript







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