A library of common union types for dotnet and a C# source generator for creating custom ones.
disclaimer: This repo started as an exploration of union types for introduction into C# and the dotnet runtime as part of the C# LDM (Language Design Meeting). It is now published (by me) for anyone to use, but probably mainly me. It is not a product of Microsoft, and is not an indicator of what will or will not become a product.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Download the Toolkit and Generator
- Using the Included Union Types
- Generating Custom Union Types
The term Union Type is used here to refer generally to many kinds of unions, sometimes called discriminated unions, sum types, tagged unions, etc. You may already be familiar with union types if you have used discriminated unions in F#, union types in Typescript or even a union structure in C++.
In short, a union type is any type that can exist in one of many explicit states or cases. Each case may allow the type to hold onto different kinds of data. For example, a C# enum is a union type, since each enum value is a unique case of the enum type, but it is not a very interesting one because it does not carry any extra data with it. A class heirarchy is also a union type, since each derived class is a unique case of the base type and each can hold different kinds of data. If a class hierarchy is suitable for your needs, look no further.
This toolkit deals with special kinds of union types that solve problems that are not satisfactorily solved by class hierarchies alone. Primarily these are cases where you are concerned about allocations or footprint (size of data). It focuses on two categories of these union types, but there may be others.
A Type Union is any type that can hold or represent a value of one of a set of unique types. For instance, if you wanted to have a variable assignable to only either a Cat, Dog or Bird, you could use a type union to constrain the value to only one of those types. If you already have a class hierarchy, for example Pet, of which all those types are derived from, then you don't need anything else. Just use the base type. However, if its not pratical to have a class hierachy of just the types you want to include, then a type union is a good alternative.
A Tag Union is not limited to a set of unique types, but is instead constrained to a set of uniquely named cases (tags) like an enum is, but each case may also carry with it its own unique set of variables. Tag unions (or traditional discriminated unions) originate from languages with a history of not having classes or inheritance. Typical usage patterns in those languages include constructing the union from cases and values and later matching on the case and deconstructing the values back into local variables.
The types provided in the library are all presented as type unions to give you the option to interact with the case values outside of the union.
They each implement the ITypeUnion
interface that enables conditionally constructing them, accessing their values, and converting them
to other type unions. Tag unions share no commonality that would make this possible.
These types are provided because they are the ones the community typically asked for when discussing discriminated unions with the C# Language Design Team, and so got modelled for discussion.
type is a family of generic struct types that can hold a single value constrained to the set of types declared in its type arguments. You may already have access to a type like this from another source or by a different name. This is a good choice for most use cases, when the types you want to include are not already together in a hierarchy and are primarily already reference types, but has the drawback of boxing value types, which could matter if your application is sensitive to GC pressure. -
type is a type that is often built into languages to represent a value that may or may not be present, similar to how some might use a null to represent the absence of a value. The benefit of the Option type is that you won't accidentally deference the null, causing an exception. Languages with an Option (or Maybe) type typically have monadic operations that ferry the absence of a value back through your code, automatically skipping that parts that would depend on the value without requiring you to constantly check. This is similar to how the null conditional operator works in C#, but at a grander scale. You won't be able to use it that way in C# but you can simulate a bit of it via some of the provided methods. -
type is a type that is often built into languages to represent the result of an operation that may fail. It represents a value that you return from a function that is either in the success state with its expected value or a failure state with an error. Typically, languages that have this type also have monadic operations that ferry the failure through your code without requiring you to explicitly unpack them to use the success value, similar to how you experience exceptions working in C#. Its not possible to use it that way in C# but you can simulate a bit of it via some of the provided methods. -
type is a type union that is not actually constrained. It can hold a value of any type, but will not box most primitives and small structs. It does this by partially being a type union with a fixed number of known cases, and a catch-all case that also tries avoid boxing at runtime for types that can fit in the provided space. It is a good choice when you would have otherwise chosen to useobject
, but want to avoid boxing in common scenarios.
If none of these types seem suitable for your needs, or you'd rather have your own type with its own name than repeatedly type out all the case types as generic arguements every time you refer to it, you can create a custom union type. To do this, you can either write the type from scratch following the same patterns and implementing the same interfaces or you can use the source generator to create them for you.
The toolkit is available as a nuget package on nuget.org.
Download Toolkit Here
A separate source generator for generating custom union types is also available as a nuget package.
Download Generator Here
The toolkit library includes many predefined union types ready to use.
Additional helper classes and interfaces:
- ITypeUnion
- TypeUnion
The OneOf
type is a series of overloaded generic types.
Each OneOf
type is a closed type union, only allowing values of types specified in the type arguments.
Use them to declare type unions of any class, struct, interface or array types.
Not supported: refs, ref structs and pointers. That means no
If you require types likeSpan<T>
use a custom union. The generator supports generating ref struct unions. -
When instances of value types (structs in C#) are placed in the union, they are stored by boxing the value, which may cause GC pressure.
You can create an instance of a OneOf
type by calling one of the Create
factory methods or via assignment.
var number = OneOf<int, double>.Create(5); // using factory
OneOf<int, double> number = 5; // using assignment.
You can also attempt to create an instance using the TryCreate<T>
factory method that attempts to create an instance of the OneOf type
from an arbitrary value.
object someValue = 5;
if (OneOf<int, double>.TryCreate(someValue, out var number)) { ... })
You can also use TryCreate
to attempt to create a OneOf from a different type union.
OneOf<int, string> intOrString = 5;
if (OneOf<int, double>.TryCreate(intOrString, out var number)) { ... })
There are multiple ways to access the underlying value.
You can access it in a weakly-typed way by using the Value
object value = number.Value;
You can access it in a strongly-typed way via explicit coersion to one of the known types.
However, this may throw an InvalidCastException
if you use the wrong type.
int x = (int)number;
You can access each possible strongly-typed value via additional value properties.
Every OneOf
type has a value property for each type argument; Type1Value
, Type2Value
, etc.
You can determine which one of these is currently valid by checking the Kind
Accessing an invalid value property will return default.
var isLessThan5 = number.Kind switch {
1 => number.Type1Value < 5,
2 => number.Type2Value < 5.0
_ => false
You can also use the Select
and Match
methods to check the case and access the value automatically.
var isLessThan5 = number.Select(
i => i < 5,
d => d < 5.0
i => Console.WriteLine($"less than 5: {i < 5}"),
d => Console.WriteLine($"less than 5.0: {d < 5.0}")
Lastly, you can access arbitrarilly typed values via the TryGet<T>
if (number.TryGet<int>(out var intValue)) { ... }
This technique is useful when you don't now the exact union type, and have a reference to ITypeUnion
or when you want to access the value using a base class or interface, or via a different union type.
if (intOrDouble.TryGet<OneOf<int, string>>(out var intOrString)) { ... })
Each OneOf
type declares pass-through equality operators and implements IEquatable<T>
so you can compare two instances of the same OneOf type.
If the values are the same, the OneOf instances will be considered the same.
OneOf<int, double> number1 = 5;
OneOf<int, double> number2 = "five";
if (number1 == number2) { ... }
if (number1.Equals(number2)) { ... }
Since there are also implicit coercion operators, you can compare a OneOf instance with a value of one of the case types.
OneOf<int, double> number = 5;
if (number == 5) { ... }
if (number.Equals(5)) { ... }
You can also compare an instance of one OneOf
type with an instance of another OneOf
type, or any other type union that implements ITypeUnion
using the generic Equals
OneOf<int, double> number = 5;
OneOf<int, string> value = 5;
if (number.Equals(value)) { ... }
OneOf<int, string> value1 = 5;
OneOf<string, int> value2 = 5;
var areEqual = value1.Equals(value2);
The Option<T>
type is a type that can hold a value of type T
or no value at all.
You create an instance of Option<T>
by calling the factory method Some
or by just assigning a value to a variable with that type.
var number = Option<int>.Some(5); // using factory
var number = Option.Some(5); // using factory and inferring the value type.
Option<int> number = 5; // using assignment.
You obtain a Option<T>
instance without a value by calling the the None
assigning a variable the None.Singleton
instance or assigning a variable the default state.
var noNumber = Option<int>.None(); // using factory
Option<int> noNumber = None.Singleton; // using singleton
Option<int> noNumber = default; // using default
You access the state of the option by checking the Kind
property and the value using the Value
switch (number.Kind)
case Option<int>.Case.Some:
Console.WriteLine($"Its a value: {number.Value}");
case Option<int>.Case.None:
Console.WriteLine("Its nothing, really.");
You can also use the Match
and Select
methods to handle each case.
value => Console.WriteLine($"Its a value: {value}"),
() => Console.WriteLine("Its nothing, really.")
// convert non-values into values
var newValue = number.Select(value => value * 2, () => 0);
There is also a Map
method that allows you to transform the value, only if it currently exists.
var mapped = number.Map(value => value * 2);
The Result<TValue,TError>
is a union that either holds a success value of type TValue
or a failure value of type TError
You can construct one using the factory methods Success
and Failure
, or by assigning a value or error to a variable of that type.
var result = Result<int, Error>.Success(5); // using factory
Result<int, Error> result = 5; // using assignment.
var error = Result<int, string>.Failure(new Error("Whoops")); // using factory
Result<int, string> error = new Error("Whoops"); // using assignment.
Note: If both the value and the error type are the same, then assignment will be ambiguous and you wil need to use the factory methods.
Like with all the other unions, you can check the case via the Kind
property and access the succesor or failure values
using the Value
and Error
properties respectively.
switch (result.Kind)
case Result<int, Error>.Case.Success:
Console.WriteLine($"Success: {result.Value}");
case Result<int, Error>.Case.Failure:
Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {result.Error.Message}");
Alternatively, you can use the Match
and Select
value => Console.WriteLine($"Success: {value}"),
error => Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {error.Message}")
var mapped = result.Select(value => $"{value * 2}", error => -1);
In addition, there is a Map
method that allow you to transform the success value
only when there is a success value and otherwise maintain the error state.
var mapped = result.Map(value => $"{value * 2}");
The Variant
type is a type union that is not closed to a fixed number of case types.
Any value of any type can be assigned or converted into a Variant
, even the value null
What makes a variant interesting is that it is designed to avoid boxing of many value and struct types.
If the value or struct type constains no reference type members and fits withing 64 bits, it will be stored within the variant without boxing.
You can create an instance of a Variant
by calling one of the Create
factory methods or
via assignment and implicit coercion if the value is one of the known primitives.
var number = Variant.Create(5); // using factory
Variant number = 5; // using assignment.
Variant point = Variant.Create(new Point(3, 4)); // factory only if its not a known primitive.
You can also create a variant using the TryCreate<T>
method. However, it will always succeed, since variants may contain any value.
It exists on the type to satisfy the contract of the ITypeUnion<T>
You can access the value in a weakly-typed way by using the Value
However, this may cause boxing if the value is a struct type.
object value = variant.Value;
You can access the strongly-typed value via any of the specialized value properties.
The Variant
type has a specialized value properties for many well known types; Int32Value
, DoubleValue
, StringValue
You can determine which of these is the correct property to access using the Kind
var isLessThan5 = variant.Kind switch {
VariantKind.Int32 => variant.Int32Value < 5,
VariantKind.Double => variant.DoubleValue < 5.0,
VariantKind.Int64 => variant.Int64Value < 5L,
_ => false
You can attempt to access arbitrary strongly-typed values using the TryGet<T>
if (variant.TryGet<Point>(out var point)) { ... }
There is also Get<T>
that returns the value if possible or throws an InvalidCastException
that returns the value if possible or default
and CanGet<T>
that tells you if the TryGet<T>
method will succeed.
If you want to know the value's type without potential boxing, you can use the Type
var currentType = variant.Type;
The Variant
can store a null value.
You can determine if the current value is null
, by checking the IsNull
property or by comparing the Kind
property to VariantKind.Null
if (variant.IsNull) { ... }
if (variant.Kind == VariantKind.Null) { ... }
The TryGet<T>
and CanGet<T>
methods will return false when the value is null, even if the type T
can contain a null value; for example, int?
or string?
Custom union types can be generated for you using a C# source generator, given a partial type declartion.
The source generator creates union types with efficient storage layouts. It does this by analyzing the data types involved and generating a layout that avoids boxing and minimizes the space needed to store the data from all the cases. It cannot be as optimal as the layout of C++ unions, since the runtime does not allow overlapping the same memory with reference and value types, but it does what it can to overlap and reuse fields.
- Choosing Between Type Unions and Tag Unions
- Declaring a Type Union
- Declaring a Tag Union
- Customizing the Generation with Attributes
- Declaring a Case Factory as a Property
- Declaring a Case without an Accessor
- Assigning Specific Tag Values to Cases
- Generate Union Types without the Toolkit
- Unions with Spans
Both generated type unions and tag unions are very similar. Given the same cases and the same fundemental data, the two types will end up structurally identical internally. The difference lies in the methods and operators and interfaces provided.
Since a type union is constrained to a set of unique types, it can provide more features than a tag union. The types included in the union are its cases, meaning multiple type unions can have some of the exact same cases and it is possible to have common generic interfaces to interact with the contents of any type union.
This is not possible with a tag union. Since multiple cases, even with ones that only contain a single value, may contain values of the same type, knowing the value's type is not enough information to determine which case the value represents. Likewise, even having cases with the same tag names and the same kinds of values on two different unions is not enough to know that the two union's cases are meant to represent the same thing. It may just be coincidence.
Specifically, a type union has these additional features:
- Implicit coercion operators you can use to assign a value directly to the union without explicitly calling a factory method.
- An implementation of the
interface enabling abstraction over your union and coercion between unions with similar cases.
So, in short, if you want to know how to choose between them:
Use a type union when you want to constrain a variable to a set of types that are not already a class hierarchy containing just those types, and those types are useful in your application beyond just being cases of the union.
Use a tag union when the cases don't make sense in your application outside of the union, or you prefer the simplicity of the union without the additional operators, methods and interfaces.
You can declare a type union by declaring a partial struct with a TypeUnion
and a partial factory method for each case type.
Be careful to not declare the type nested inside another type, or as part of a top-level statements file.
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Create(Cat cat);
public static partial Pet Create(Dog dog);
public static partial Pet Create(Bird bird);
As soon as its declared (and the source generator has successfully run) you can start using the type union.
Assign a value directly to a variable.
Pet pet = new Cat("Mr Fluffy");
Alternatively, use the factory method to create the union.
Cat cat = new Cat("Mr Fluffy");
Pet pet = Pet.Create(cat);
Switch on the case and access the value via strongly typed properties.
switch (pet.Kind)
case Pet.Case.Cat:
Console.WriteLine($"Cat's name is {pet.CatValue.Name}");
case Pet.Case.Dog:
Console.WriteLine($"Dog's name is {pet.DogValue.Name}");
case Pet.Case.Bird:
Console.WriteLine($"Bird's name is {pet.BirdValue.Name}");
By default the type will have a property named Kind
that returns an enum named Case
with names for each case taken from the case type itself.
The values for each case can be accessed via strongly typed properties called [case]Value
Alternatively, you can use the Match
and Select
methods instead of a switch statement
and skip referring to the kind and value properties, but potentially cause delegate allocations due to capture.
cat => Console.WriteLine($"Cat's name is {cat.Name}"),
dog => Console.WriteLine($"Dog's name is {dog.Name}"),
bird => Console.WriteLine($"Bird's name is {bird.Name}")
var saying = pet.Select(
cat => "meow",
dog => "woof",
bird => "chirp"
You can also compare two different instances of the same type union for equality without needing to access the values.
Pet pet1 = new Cat("Mr Fluffy");
Pet pet2 = new Dog("Spot");
if (pet1 == pet2) { ... }
You declare a tag union by declaring a partial struct with a TagUnion
and a partial factory method for each case.
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Cat(string name, int toys);
public static partial Pet Dog(string name, bool friendly);
public static partial Pet Bird(string name, string[] thingsItSays);
You use it similarly to how type unions are used, without some of the additional API like coercion operators, generic factories and accessors. .
Pet pet = Pet.Cat("Mr Fluffy");
switch (pet.Kind)
case Pet.Case.Cat:
Console.WriteLine($"Cat's name is {pet.CatValues.name}");
case Pet.Case.Dog:
Console.WriteLine($"Dog's name is {pet.DogValues.name}");
case Pet.Case.Bird:
Console.WriteLine($"Bird's name is {pet.BirdValues.name}");
In addition, some of the generated accessor properties have different names than for type unions.
- If the case has multiple values, the property is named [case]Values and a tuple of all the values are returned.
- If the case has only one value, then the property is named [case]Value and just that one value is returned.
- If the case has no values, an Is[case] method is generated instead and returns
It is possible to customize all the factory and property names.
A tag union also has Match
and Select
methods, just like the type union.
You can customize the generated union by setting properties in the TypeUnion
or TagUnion
Property | Type | Description | Default |
DecomposeStructs | bool | Enables deconstruction of tuple and record structs to improve field resuse across cases. | true |
DecomposeForeignStructs | bool | Enables deconstruction of tuple and record structs defined outside the compilation unit. Metadata for foreign types may be incomplete. Disable this to allow correct storing of custom record structs that have additional data fields not accessible via deconstruction. | true |
GenerateEquality | bool | Enables generation of IEquatable<T> implementation. |
true |
GenerateMatch | bool | Enables generation of Select and Match methods. |
true |
GenerateToString | bool | Enables generation of ToString override. |
true |
OverlapStructs | bool | Enables overlapping of values that can share the same memory across cases. This incluse primitive structs and structs containing only other overlappable fields. | true |
OverlapForeignStructs | bool | Enables overlapping of structs defined outside the compilation unit. This is disabled by default because the metadata for foreign structs may be incomplete. Enable this only if you trust the types involved to truly be overlappable. | false |
ShareSameTypeFields | bool | Enables reuse of fields with the same type across cases. | true |
ShareReferenceFields | bool | Enables reuse of reference type fields regardless of type across cases. | true |
TagTypeName | string | The name of the enum type generated for the case values. | Case |
TagPropertyName | string | The name of the property generated to access the case. | Kind |
[TypeUnion(GenerateMatch=true, GenerateEquality=true)]
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Create(Cat cat);
public static partial Pet Create(Dog dog);
public static partial Pet Create(Bird bird);
In order to customize settings for individual case you can specify a Case
attribute on the factory method.
Property | Type | Description | Default |
Name | string | The name of the case | Infered from factory, type or parameter name |
TagValue | int | The corresponding enum value for the case | Incrementally generated |
FactoryName | string | The name of the factory if not declared | |
FactoryKind | string | The kind of factory generated if not declared; can be Method, Property or None | Method* |
AccessorName | string | The name of the accessor property | [Case]Value, [Case]Values or Is[Case] |
AccessorKind | string | The kind of accessor generated; can be Method, Property or None. | Property |
Type | Type | The type of the case | Inferred from factory |
public partial struct Pet
[Case(Name="C", TagValue=1, AccessorName="CatThings")]
public static partial Pet Create(AbcCat cat);
[Case(Name="D", TagValue=2, AccessorName="DogThings")]
public static partial Pet Create(XyzDog dog);
[Case(Name="B", TagValue=3, AccessorName="BirdThings")]
public static partial Pet Create(AcmeBird bird);
The case name is used in the tag enum class and as part of the inferred accessor name.
The generator will try its best to identify the most appropriate name for each case from the factory declaration. To infer the case name from the factory, the generator follows these steps:
For tag unions:
- If all the factory names are different, the name for each case is the factory name. If all factory names have a common prefix, the prefix is removed.
- Otherwise, the case name is "Case" + n.
For type unions:
- If all the factory names are different, the name for each case is the factory name. If all factory names have a common prefix, the prefix is removed.
- If all parameter names are different, then each case name is inferred from the parameter name.
- If all the case type names are different, then the case name is the name of the case type.
- Otherwise, then the case name is "Type" + n.
In the following example, the generator infers the case names Cat, Dog, Bird from the factory names. The common prefix of 'Create' is removed.
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet CreateCat(string name);
public static partial Pet CreateDog(string name);
public static partial Pet CreateBird(string name);
In this example, the generator infers the case names from the type names because the factory names and the parameter names are not all different from each other, but the type names are.
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Create(Cat value);
public static partial Pet Create(Dog value);
public static partial Pet Create(Bird value);
In this example, the generator infers the case names as Cats, Dogs, Birds from the parameter names because they are all different, but not all of the types have good unique names.
public partial struct Pets
public static partial Pets Create(IEnumerable<Cat> cats);
public static partial Pets Create(IEnumerable<Dog> dogs);
public static partial Pets Create(IEnumerable<Bird> birds);
In the final example, the generator gives up and infers the names Type1, Type2, Type3, because neither the factory names, parameter names or type names are all different.
public partial struct Pets
public static partial Pets Create(IEnumerable<Cat> value);
public static partial Pets Create(IEnumerable<Dog> value);
public static partial Pets Create(IEnumerable<Bird> value);
If a tag case has no case values you can omit declaring the factory property and instead place a Case
attribute for it on the union declaration.
When you do so, the factory is generated as a property instead of a method.
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Cat(string name, int toys);
public static partial Pet Dog(string name, bool friendly);
public static partial Pet Bird(string name, string[] thingsItSays);
The new Unknown
state is now defined as a property.
Pet pet = Pet.Unknown;
You can change how the factory is generated by default with the FactoryKind
property in the Case
Likewise, if the type used in a type union case is a singleton (a type that only ever has one instance),
you can have the factory for that case be a property by placing a Case
attribute on the type union declaration
instead of specifying the factory, and setting the FactoryKind
Normally, if the type used in a type case is a singleton, its factory is still generated by default with a single parameter,
but with FactoryKind="Property"
, it will be generated as a property.
// Unknown is a singleton
public class Unknown
private Union(){}
public static readonly Unknown Singleton = new Unknown();
[Case(Type=typeof(Unknown), FactoryKind="Property")]
public partial struct Pet
Note that even though the factory is a property, you can still assign the singleton value to the union, since the implicit coercion operator is still being generated.
Pet pet = Pet.Unknown; // factory
Pet pet2 = Unknown.Singleton; // assignment
For a type to be recognized as a singleton, it must have only private constructors, and declare only one member, a static readonly field that returns an instance of the value.
If a case of a type union is a singleton type or a case of a tag union has no values, you can omit the generation of the
accessor property by setting AccessorKind
in the Case
For example, normally a tag union will generate Is
properties for cases without values.
When you set the AccessorKind
to None
, the Is
property is not generated.
[Case(Type=typeof(Cat, AccessorKind="None")]
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Dog();
public static partial Pet Bird(string name, int numberOfThingsItSays);
Now only the bird case as a value accessor, since its the only one with values.
You may want to avoid versioning problems by future-proofing your union types by assigning them specific tag values for each case. This is the same as you might do with an enum.
By giving each case a unique value, you can keep some binary compatability with past versions of the union type, when new cases are added.
Of course, this won't solve the real problem of code not handling the new cases, but at least it keeps the code that does handle the old cases from breaking.
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Cat(string name, int toys);
public static partial Pet Dog(string name, bool friendly);
public static partial Pet Bird(string name, string[] thingsItSays);
You can do this for both type and tag unions.
If your custom type or tag union is a struct you may encounter problems that occur when the union is in its default state,
because it is not yet assigned or it was assigned default
You can choose one of your cases to be the default case for this situtation by assigning a TagValue
of 0
since the tag value will otherwise be zero when it is not yet assigned one of the known cases.
You should only do this only for a value-less tag case or a singleton type case.
By default, all tag values are assigned postive, non-zero values to avoid being associated with the default state.
It is possible to use the generator and not use the toolkit.
Since you wont have access to the TypeUnion
and TagUnion
you can place the @TypeUnion
or @TagUnion
annotation inside a comment above the partial type declaration.
This is enough to trigger the source generator, but you will only get a type generated with the defaults.
// @TypeUnion
public partial struct Pet
public static partial Pet Create(Cat cat);
public static partial Pet Create(Dog dog);
public static partial Pet Create(Bird bird);
The ability to customize these may be added in the future.
Custom unions may refer to values of type Span<T>
or ReadOnlySpan<T>
or any ref struct type,
as long as the declared union is itself a ref struct type.
public ref partial struct RefText
public static partial RefText Create(ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes);
public static partial RefText Create(ReadOnlySpan<char> chars);
These unions work with some limitations:
- Type Unions will not implement
or generateTryCreate
methods. - Equality methods will not be generated, since the ref types cannot implement
or be boxed. - ToString will not be generated
- Storage of ref structs is not memory efficient, they will not overlap or decompose, but they may share same type fields across cases.