GPU renderer for the Web content, used by Servo.
After updating shaders in WebRender, go to servo and:
- Go to the servo directory and do ./mach update-cargo -p webrender
- Create a pull request to servo
To use a local copy of WebRender with servo, go to your servo build directory and:
- Edit Cargo.toml
- Add at the end of the file:
"webrender" = { path = "<path>/webrender" }
"webrender_api" = { path = "<path>/webrender_api" }
where <path>
is the path to your local copy of WebRender.
- Build as normal
The Wiki has a few pages describing the internals and conventions of WebRender.
Tests run using OSMesa to get consistent rendering across platforms.
Still there may be differences depending on font libraries on your system, for example.
See this gist for how to make the text tests useful in Fedora, for example.