How a Math Genius Hacked OkCupid to Find True Love
Anaconda Distribution
There is a way to install and use Python that is different to the ¨normal¨one, Anaconda Distribution.
Anaconda works great when you are doing Data Analysis and Machine Learning, and not ¨normal¨ Python development. In our case we won´t use it because it requires for us to buy licenses if we are going to use it in a big company.
In any case is a great option, worth exploring for learning and small projects, or paying in the case of commercial use.
Open a Terminal (or Command) window.
Type python3 --version
We expect the result to be Python 3.8 or more. Currently the latest version (2022-07-13) is 3.10.5.
If we don't have Python installed it shows like this:
If we have Python installed it shows like this:
If it is not installed it shows like this:
The process is different for each Operating System.
Install from the Python Webpage
MacOS installation using Homebrew
brew install python3
sudo apt install python3
sudo yum install python3
- Confirm Python is installed running
python3 --version
in a terminal or console. - Create a directory for the Bootcamp.
- Move to the new directory.
- Create the virtual environment with:
python3 -m venv venv
The command reads as follows:
--- Use thePython 3
interpreter-m venv
--- Use a module namedvenv
-- Create the new Virtual Environment in thevenv
- Activate the virtual environment
- In MacOS and Linux run
source venv/bin/activate
- In Windows run
- In MacOS and Linux run
- Confirm you are using the virtual environment
- In MacOS and Linux run
which python
- In Windows run
where python
- In MacOS and Linux run
Full Virtual Environments documentation HERE
Install and Run Jupyter
Run in the terminal pip install jupyterlab
Run Jupyter Lab with jupyter-lab
Full Jupyter Install Documentation HERE
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We will learn how to use IDEs (in particular Visual Studio Code), Git and GitHub.
Read the article: We Can Protect the Economy From Pandemics. Why Didn't We?
Optional See the movie: The Big Short