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This library allows you to construct filtering expressions at run-time on the fly using fluent API and minimize boilerplate code such as null/empty checking and case ignoring.

Linq.PredicateBuilder can be useful when you have to fetch data from database using query based on search filter parameters. In such cases you usually need to create a lot of boilerplate code to check parameters against nulls, empty strings and trim starting/trailing whitespaces before including filtering conditions in query.


For this sample we will use Person entity class and Filter class containing search parameters

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public DateOnly? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public Gender Gender { get; set; }
    public string Comment { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Person> Relatives{ get; set; }

public class Filter
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Comment { get; set; }
    public DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public Gender? Gender { get; set; }
    public List<int> Ids { get; set; }
    public bool? HasRelatives { get; set; }

We have a source of Persons

IQueryable<Persons> Persons { get; }

and Filter class instance with parameters values

var filter = new Filter
    FirstName = null,
    LastName = "Brown",
    Gender = Gender.Male,
    Comment = string.Empty,
    Ids = new List<int>(),
    HasRelatives = null

So we can build a query from several predicate segments combined together.

var query = Persons.Build(_ => _
    .Equals(x => x.FirstName, filter.FirstName)   // filter.FirstName is null -> this segment will be ignored
    .And.Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)
    .And.Equals(x => x.Gender, filter.Gender)
    .And.Contains(x => x.Comment, filter.Comment) // filter.Comment is empty -> this segment will be ignored
    .And.In(x => x.Id, filter.Ids)                // filter.Ids is empty -> this segment will be ignored
    .And.Conditional(filter.HasRelatives == true).Where(x => x.Relatives.Any())     // filter.HasRelatives is null -> this segment will be ignored
    .And.Conditional(filter.HasRelatives == false).Where(x => !x.Relatives.Any())); // filter.HasRelatives is null -> this segment will be ignored

Some of builder segments will be ignored because corresponding search parameters should not be used in the query. This query is equal to the following code:

var lastName = filter.LastName.ToLower();
var query = Persons.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower().Equals(lastName) && x.Gender.Equals(filter.Gender));

Expression Combining

You can combine predicates using logical operators AND and OR.

var query = Persons.Build(_ => _
    .Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)
    .And.Equals(x => x.Gender, filter.Gender));
var query = Persons.Build(_ => _
    .Contains(x => x.FirstName, filter.FirstName)
    .Or.Contains(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName));

You can also use logical negation operator NOT.

var query = Persons.Build(_ => _
    .Not.Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)
    .And.Not.Contains(x => x.Comment, filter.Comment));


You can't use AND and OR operators side by side because the precedence of those operators is not provided.

To mix ANDs and ORs or change the precedence of operators you can use Brackets method with a nested builder.

var query = Persons.Build(_ => _
    .Contains(x => x.Comment, filter.Comment)
    .And.Brackets(b => b.Equals(x => x.FirstName, filter.FirstName).Or.Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)));

Ignoring Builder Segments

As you can see in the samples above, builder chain is divided into atomic logical segments connected with operators. Let's see how you can control query building depending on search filter parameter values.

Checking Filter Values

Most of predicate methods have two mandatory parameters: property selector, filter parameter and one optional builder options. The default builder options equal to IgnoreCase | IgnoreDefaultInputs | Trim, which means that:

  • if parameter type is string, the starting and trailing whitespaces will be removed from its value
  • string operation will be performed case insensitive
  • if parameter value equals to default, string.Empty or empty collection then current segment will be ignored (skipped).

Builder parameters can be changed per segment or for whole builder.


You can control whether to ignore segment or not using Conditional method before the segment. If parameter of Conditional() evaluates to false the segment will be ignored (skipped).

var query = Persons.Build(_ => _
    .Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)
    .And.Conditional(boolean_expression).Where(x => x.DateOfBirth < new DateOnly(1990, 1, 1))); // this segment is controlled by .Conditional(boolean_expression)

Nested Collections

To build predicates for nested collection you have Any method that has collection selector and nested builder for the collection. Following code shows the use case

var query = Persons.Build(_ => _
    .Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)
    .Or.Any(x => x.Relatives, b => b.Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)));

Builder Predicate Methods

Method Description
Equals(selector_expression, input_value) builds a predicate based on Equals()
Contains(selector_expression, input_value) builds a predicate based on String.Contains()
In(selector_expression, collection_input_value) builds a predicate based on Enumerable.Contains()
Any(collection_selector_expression, nested_builder) builds a predicate for nested collections
Where(predicate) uses the predicate from its parameter
Where(predicate, input_value) conditional Where() method

The input value of conditional Where method is being passed into the predicate as a parameter, and being checked against conditions to ignore the segment if needed:

.Where((x, parameter) => x.DateOfBirth >= parameter, filter.DateOfBirth)

Building Predicates

In the samples above we created queries using Build extension method. To build a predicate expression use static QueryableBuilderExtensions.BuildPredicate method.

var predicate = QueryableBuilderExtensions.BuildPredicate<Person>(_ => _
    .Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)
    .Or.Any(x => x.Relatives, b => b.Equals(x => x.LastName, filter.LastName)));

var query = Persons.Where(predicate ?? (x => true));