- 876 Middle of the linkded list
The fast and slow pointer
- 21 Merge two sorted list
Recursion/ Empty linked list(sorted and return its next attribute)/ Iteration
- 148 Sort List
Merge Sort/ Middle of the linked list/ Merge two sorted list
- 56 Merge Intervals
python built-in function(sort, max, min)/ an initial list/ define merge rules(when and which values)
- 27 Remove Element
two pointer (reader and writer both start at 0 position)/
in-place sorting/
rarely remove method (swap)(One pointer starts at 0 position, another pointer starts at the last position)/
The fast and slow pointer
- 179 Largest Number
override the comparator/\ built-in sort fuction/\ string comparator (a="400", b="5", compare a+b, b+a)
- 26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
The fast and slow pointer
- 83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
The fast and slow pointer
- 283 Remove Zeros
Use the solution in 83.
And then set the rest of element in the input array to zeros.
- 75 Sort Colors
3 pointers(current position, left boundry position, right boundry position)
- 4 Median Of Two Sorted Arrays
The time complexity should be O(log(m+n))
- 206 Reverse Linked List
Iteration(3 Pointer)/\ Recursion(head.next pointer & head.next.next pointer)/ Linked List Pointer Re-assign/ Avoid a cycle
- 160 Get Intersection Node
Approach 1: Hash set (Time complexity is O(M+N) and Space complexity is O(M))
Approach 2: Two Pointer (Time complexity is O(M+N) and Space complexity is O(1)).
The concept is path(A) + path(B) == path(B) + path(A)
- 141 Linked List Cycle
Approach 1: Hash set
Approach 2: The fast and slow pointer
- 142 Linked List Cycle II
Approach 1: Hash set
Approach 2: Floyd's Tortoise and Hare
- 92 Reverse Linked List II
Approach 1: Recursion
Approach 2: Iterative Link Reversal
- 155 Min Stack
Approach 1: Stack of (value, minimum)
Approach 2: Two Stacks (One for value, another for minimum)
Approach 3: Improved Two Stacks (One for value, another for (minimum, times))
- 232 Implement Queue Using Stacks
Only can use stack with push to top, peek/pop from top, size, and is empty operations are valid.
- 1 Two Sum
Approach 1: One-pass Hash Table (Time O(n), Space O(n))
Approach 2: Two-pass Hash Table (Time O(n), Space O(n))
- 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence
Approach 1: Sorting the input first (Time O(nlogn), Space O(1))
Approach 2: HashSet and Intelligent Sequence Building (Time O(n), Space O(n))
- 73 Set Matrix Zeros
Approach 1: Hash Set
Approach 2: Hash Map + Array List
- 49 Group Anagrams
empty list to count the number of alphabet in a string/ Typ tuple/
ord() built-in function
- 350 Intersection of Two Arrays II
Approach 1: Hash Map by collections.defaultdict
Approach 2: Sort(Order List) + Two pointer(If the value in a list is smaller thant another, then increment its index)
- 299 Bulls and Cows
Approach 1: Two passes hash map
Approach 2: One pass hash map (optimize approach 1)
- 348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe
Approach: Hashmap(collection.defaultdict(type)), flag
- 167 Two Sum II
Two pointer start at the first and the end of the numbers list
- 221 Maximal Square
Dynamic Programming/ Find state-transition matrix
- 945 Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique
Approach 1: collection.Counter(type)/ list extend(), pop()
Approach 2: built-in sort() and directly count the increment
- 62 Unique Paths
Approach 1: Recursion (Time Limit Exceeded in testcase)
Approach 2: Dynamic Programming (Build a matrix to count steps)
Approach 3: Simplify to a classic combinatorial problem (Use math.factorial)
- 323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
Approach 1: DFS
Approach 2: BFS
Approach 3: Disjoint-set Union