Docker definitions for some projects to learn and research.
Base image for other projects based on Debian 10.
$ docker compose build debian10-base
$ docker compose start debian10-base
Build a docker base image from scratch (based on Debian 10 i386)
$ sh
$ docker build --rm -t i386/debian10:1.0 -f $(pwd -P)/Dockerfile .
$ docker run --name debian10_i386 --rm -ti -v /tmp -v /run i386/debian10:1.0
Project to setup a Git server
$ docker compose build git
$ docker compose start git
- GitWeb
- Create repository
$ docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep "git " | awk "{print \$1}") /bin/bash -c " create test"
- Clone repository
$ git clone http://guser:[email protected]:5001/git/test.git
- Delete repository
$ docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep "git " | awk "{print \$1}") /bin/bash -c " delete test"
Trac is a wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.
This project enable the possibility to manage multiprojects, and all projects are setted to be authenticated with TRAC_USER
(environment variables).
To setup a Trac server:
$ docker compose build trac
$ docker compose start trac
- Trac
- Create repository
$ docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep "trac " | awk "{print \$1}") /bin/bash -c " setup_project test"
- Add Git as repositorys to Trac.
- Email configuration on Trac.
- Add scripts to backup/restore, export wiki content as PDF/HTML.
Tor is a piece of software that enable to us an anonymous communication.
To retrieve onion address:
$ docker exec $(docker ps | grep tor-service | awk "{print \$1}") /bin/bash -c 'cat ./hidden_service/hostname'
- Arguments
Tor service port (default80
: Version of the onion address to be generated (default3
: URI where Tor service content is located (defaulttor-site:80