Installed python requirements :
- sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
You need to have this tools installed :
- kubectl ( 1.17.3 )
- helm ( 2.16.1 )
- custom terraform 0.12.19 ( from caasp pattern )
- jq
Configure ${CAASP_KEY} in parametes/env.robot by adding your SSC key
Configure your vmware and openstack setting in env.robot
For backup and restore test, configure your aws identification key
robot -v PREFIX:<your name> -v NUMBER:<master:worker> -v PLATFORM:<openstack|vmware> --test <path to your test> <caasp_robotframework_folder>
Deploy a cluster on vmware and keep it
robot --argumentfile <path_to_project>/caasp_robotframework/argumentfiles/argumentfile-template.txt ./
Run authentication test
robot --test Caasp\ Robotframework.Test.Rbac.389ds_authentication -v NUMBER:1:3 -v PLATFORM:vmware -v PREFIX:myname --outputdir=tmp .
More advance example :
robot --test Caasp\ Robotframework.Test.Replica.dex_gangway_replicat -v MODE:DEV --variable PULL_REQUEST:951 -v PREFIX:myname -v NUMBER:1:3 -v PLATFORM:vmware --outputdir=tmp .
Executing tests by tags :
robot –include=release -v PREFIX:myname -v platform:aws -v number:1:2 ./
You can change global variable by adding -v <variablename>:<new value>. Here some usefull variable
: give a specific name for the cluster directory, if the name match a running cluster it will use this cluster for the testVM_USER
: for aws, need to be change for ec2-userPREFIX
: give a suffix to your cluster nodes names, could be your nameNUMBER
: number of master and worker for the test separated by<master-number>:<worker-number>
: ( vmware | openstack | aws ) specify a platform where to run the testKEEP
: keep cluster after testNUMBER_OF_CLUSTER
: by default one, deploy number of cluster in the same robot framework session ( will use NUMBER for both of it)
: configure usage of oidc customize certificateKEY
: setup oidc-ca with keyNO_KEY
: use skuba cert generate-csr command to generate oidc certificatesNone
: no customization
: install from skuba repo, prefix bybranch--
: to select branchpull--
: PR numbertag--
: specific tag
:- empty by default, skuba will be installed from pattern
- DEV / STAGING / RELEASE : will build skuba from github project with choose option
. when using this mode, you can specify a pull request number (pull-<pull request number>) or a tag (tag-<tag number>) with the variable
: clone in LOGDIR and checkout to the pull requestHELM_VERSION
: helm version
: by default false, if True, deploy the cluster with current pattern then add repo specify in RPM and upgrade clusterRPM
: Skuba repo with upgradeREGISTRY
: Registry repo with last container
: choose the vm version ( by default SP1 ), can be set to SP2CAASP_VERSION
: choose the caasp version. Can be 4 or 4.5 ( by default 4)