Google Glass Security Project for ITMT 492 Embedded Sytems Illinois Institute of Technology Fall 2016
The purpose of this project was to improve the current state of security devices.
Today, most security companies use several guards for different tasks, but at least one guard has to monitor the cameras or other systems. The goal of the project is to add mobility to guards, so one guard doesn’t have to stay in a room to monitor. Also, the real time communications between the guards and the system can help to reduce burglaries or malfunction. Indeed, some facilities need security, but also temperature or luminosity monitoring for sensitive material, such as server room.
Our system is composed of several sensor boards and a main controller. Each sensor board retrieves different forms data and sends all the information to the main controller which sends the data to a web server and its database. The second part of the network is to display the information retrieved to the security guard. The best way to let the guards keep their mobility is to give us the ability to move and monitor at the same time. That’s where the Google Glass is perfect.
Group members:
Maxime Descos
Jordan Mynes
Zdenek Jaks
Scott Rigg
Hugo Zamarripa
Link to YouTube video on project demo: